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The Chaldean numerology systems are the oldest numerology systems known. It had virtually been kept a secret, not known by many. The Chaldeans, were said to an ancient civilization that were blessed by "I AM", with the wisdom of Numerology. Chaldean numerology is different from Western numerology in that it does not assign the mystical number 9 to any letter of the alphabet, because 9 always disappear. The numerical vibrations assigned to the letters are not determined by the alphabetical order, but by the energy vibration of each individual letter. This is a very mystical and spiritual approach to numbers using numbers in conjunction with Astrology, Name Power, Music Vibrations, and Colors.

Each letter in the alphabet has a numeric value 1-8. Use the chart of letter and their numerical vibrations so that you can experiment with this kind of numerology. 


My example below shows you how it is done:


Chaldean Conversion Table


L e t t e rs


A, I, J, Q, Y


B, K, R


C, G, L, S


D, L, M, T


E, H, N, X


U, V, W


O, Z


F, P

Mary Ann Jones
1 1 7 5 =14 =5

Mary Ann Jones
4121 155 17553 = 40 = 4

4-2-1966 (Date of Birth)   
6+ 22 = 28 = 10 = 1

Heart + Personality = Purpose
5 + 4 = 9

Destiny + purpose = Goal
1 + 8 =9



Meaning of Numbers




0 - ZERO

Zero is the "X" factor. Depending upon its placement, it illustrates the paradox of representing nothing and everything. While the zero is cipher denoting nothing, actually everything is contained in utero within the circle. It symbolizes potential not realized. In standard Tarot Zero is The Fool


1 - ONE

(Vibrations: Leader, Original Thinker, and Independence)

One represents the male principle, the yang. One is the real "IAM" of humanity, the unity of all, the unit of vibrational measuring. It is self-consciousness. It is original, independent, aggressive, individualistic, creative, dominate; the first in a series, the leader. In standard Tarot One is the Magician or Magus - Divine Purpose.


2 - TWO

( Vibrations: Co-operative, Partner, Diplomat)

Two is the pair, the duo, Representing the feminine principle of receptivity, the yin, which seeks a union of two distinct entities, thus the development of choice began between good and evil, true and false, and positive and negative. It is adaptable, tactful, understanding, gentle, cautious; a follower rather than a leader. In standard Tarot Two is The High Priestess - Divine Feminine.



(Vibrations: Creative, Manifests Ideas. Entrepreneur, Entertainer.)

Three is manifestation and expansion. It is the performer who possesses an innate appreciation of pleasure, romance, art, and beauty. Its creative imagination allows all things to be possible. It is expansive, sociable, dramatic, communicative, diversified, and creative. In standard Tarot it is The Empress - Divine Activity.

4 - FOUR

(Vibrations: Build, Detailed, Dependable, Constructs.)

Four is square consciousness, representing the 4 seasons. The symbol of law, system and order. It is firmness, security, stability and consortiums. Four is nature and relates to the earth, therefore develops a practical nature, and through self-discipline, binds itself to a conventional routine excretes of its energy. It is form, work order, practicality, construction, stability, endurance, and discipline. In standard Tarot it is The Emperor - Divine Overcoming.

5 – FIVE

(Vibrations: Communicator, Travel, Writer, Freedom, Lover, and Versatile)

Five represents vital force. Five is freedom, change and adventure. Five attracts the opposite sex because of the irresistible magnetism, and this attraction set the stage for the domestic responsibilities. It is versatility, resourcefulness, adaptability, change, activity, travel, adventure, promotion, and speculation. In standard Tarot it is The Hierophant - Divine Voice.


6 - SIX

(Vibrations: Healer, Teacher, Lover, and Counselor)

On the sixth day, GOD made human beings. " In the image of GOD created He him, male and female created He them," (Genesis 1:27) Six is conscientious; it desires to bring harmony, truth, justice and a sense of balance into it's environment. Love and compassion are uppermost in its mind, and it can therefore be an effective teacher, counselor or healer. Others are drawn to it because of the understanding, which emanates from it. It is family and social responsibility, service, love, compassion, counseling, healing, and creativity. In standard Tarot it is The Lovers - Divine Path.


(Vibrations: Metaphysical, Spiritual, Mediator, Investigator, and Seeker)

Seven seeks answers. It tries to establish a philosophy by which to live and attempts to penetrate the mystery behind its existence, which it never questioned to this point. Because solitude is necessary for analysis, the seven feels the need to spend time alone, away from the crowds, in touch with nature. It looks for friendship with those of an elevated consciousness that can match its own. It is quiet, introspective, intuitive, analytical, inspirational, reclusive, philosophical, and mystical. In standard Tarot it is The Chariot - Divine Victory.



(Vibrations: Money, Power, Manager, and Supervisor)

Eight is infinity - that of eternal and continuous spiral motions, which is constant throughout the universe. Eight will always assume power, for it has achieved control and responsibility in its chosen field. Recognition and financial rewards are bestowed and expansion and growth in the business world take place. Eight is power, responsibility, financial rewards, good judgment, and recognition. In standard Tarot it is Justice - Divine Balance

9 - NINE

(Vibrations: Humanitarian, Siblings, and People Person)

Nine contains the forces of all the other numbers. It stands for complete cycle of growth. Nine is Selflessness and Compassion. Encompassing a love for all, it desires to apply its energy to universal service. Nine is love, compassion, patience, universality, tolerance, selfless service, and endings. In standard Tarot it is The Hermit - Divine Light


Beyond the spectrum of normal man is the Master Numbers 11, 22, 33. These numbers deal with genius, mysticism, spirituality, psychic and superior accomplishments. The Master Vibrations of the Universe and of Nature. All master numbers (purpose) did not necessarily have to reincarnate.


(Vibrations: Psychic, Channel, Ambassador, Master, Alien Encounters, National work including Television and radio.)

The Number of Light. It represents the hidden "Knower." Eleven stands for the self and the Christ-self, and the Higher Self as a polarity within as ONE through embodied in the flesh. Eleven is associated with wisdom, and is existence on the highest plane of intellect and spirituality. Eleven is altruism, community, inspirational, self-understanding, sensitivity, receptivity, artistic, inventive genius, androgynous in attitude, visionary, idealism. In standard Tarot it is Strength - Divine Strength.


(Vibrations: Founder, Master Builder, International acclaim and work, Structure, Foundation.)

The Master Builder. It stands for redemption and the new order. These letters were held sacred and meaningful, as each one denotes a certain degree of illumination, leading toward the awakening of the Divine Love within. Twenty-two are practical idealism combining the vision of eleven with the added ability to put ideals into practice. It is practical genius, philanthropy, service to mankind, method, routine, systematic, ecology, and love of nature and the earth, visionary.



(Vibrations: Mysticism, Intergalactic Teacher of Love & Truth, Extraterrestrial, Universal Truths.)

The Teacher of Teachers. Thirty-three are one who is willing to sacrifice self for others even to the point of becoming a martyr to the ideal. 33 reduced is 6, which brings healing with the wisdom from above, this vibration is your "Christ like" vibration, showing and sharing ultimate love, spirituality, and service to mankind. It is mysticism, the psychic, intuition, compassion, counseling, healing, Illumination understanding



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"They say if one understands himself, he understands all people.

But I say unto you, when one loves people, he learns something about himself." 

 ~Kahlil Gibran

The song playing is "Seasons of Love" from the Hit Broadway Show "RENT".



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