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The following is excerpts from my book "How To Communicate with Spirit- Going Within"- that I am currently writing.

Questions About Spiritualism.


What is Spiritualism?


Spiritualism is a science and philosophy as well as a religion. It is based on the fact of continuous life, that has proven by communication with entities in the spirit world. These entities that I refer to- are spirits who have experienced the change called death.

Since Spiritualism proves the continuity of life and the existence of a spiritual universe, it then destroys all our fears of death, it annihilates any doctrine of eternal punishment, and substitutes it with the cheering assurance of eternal progression of the soul. It sweeps away the idea of a personal "devil". Instead, it considers that the sources of negativity is located within our own imperfections.

Spiritualism also teaches us that "Heaven" and "Hell" are states of consciousness, and that we make our own "Heaven" and "Hell" here on Earth as we obey or disobey Nature's, physical, mental and spiritual laws, by the choices and decisions we make here on Earth everyday.

One huge contribution already made by Spiritualism, is that it has started to help to teach the world to think in terms of positive and creative forces, as opposed to us dwelling on the negative aspects of evil and the influences of the "devil". By understanding that evil is ignorance at work, we can do much to erase the unhappiness and conflicts that are being created by others in the world around us.

We feel that life is consciousness - without consciousness there is no existence. Consciousness is the totality of one's thoughts, feelings and emotions and their impressions left on the mind. The state of our thinking is how we can change ourselves and the world to create our peaceful and loving consciousness of reality.

Spiritualism encourages us to have the growth of a loving and open-minded consciousness in the physical world not only for its immediate benefits, but also for the future reward that comes later when we make our transition in that on the spiritual dimensions.

The Laws of Continuity and The Laws of Attraction teaches us that "As Above, so below".

When a soul makes their transition to the other side of existence they realize that their take their consciousness with them. They also find that they with like-minded entities or spirits on the other side of life.

The philosophy and practice of mediumship distinguishes Spiritualism from any other religion. All religions, in one way or another, believes in the here after, but Spiritualism as a religion that attempts to prove it by demonstrating to all who are open with the use of a medium and mediumship.





The following Declaration of Principals is published to the world by the First Society of State Spiritualist of Kansas, not as a creed biding on the conscience of the individual, but the consensus of a majority of our members, and in accordance with American Spiritualist in general, on the fundamental teaching of Spiritualism.

1. We believe in infinant intelligence.

2. We believe that the phenomena of nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence.

3. We affirm that a correct understanding of such expression & living in accordance therewith constitute a philosophy of life or true religion.

4. We affirm that the existence & personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.

5. We affirm that communication with the so called dead & other spiritual beings is a fact proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.

6. We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: "Whatsoever ye would that others should do unto you, do ye also unto them."

7. We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals. They make their own happiness or unhappiness as they obey or disobey Nature's physical and spiritual laws.

8. We affirm that the door to reformation is never closed against any soul, here or hereafter.

9. We affirm that the precepts of Prophecy & healing contained in the Bible continue through Spiritualism.

Spiritualism is a Religion?

Modern Spiritualism is a religion because it (as all religions) is based on the recognition of a Supreme Power or Infinant Intelligence that is not ourselves. This awareness, when incorporated into daily life, provides guidelines for our individual conduct and thus fulfills the definition of a religion.

How Does Spiritualism Differ from the other Religions?

Spiritualism differs from other religions because it is founded on the scientific investigation, rather than the so-called "Divine Revelations". Spiritualism believes that we may acquire knowledge by scientific means through the study physical and spiritual phenomena in a religious area-- or any other area we choose. It says that religion does not have to be a matter of blind faith. It is normal for us to want to see proof. All religions believe in life after death. Only Spiritualism attempts to prove the continuity of life by communicating with those who have made the transition called death, therefore creating a bridge between the living and the spirits whom are on the other side.

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