I liked this book and found
nothing to complain of as regards the writing style. The explanation re
the alien was clever and well thought out, and I liked the idea of Steven
wielding the pen, as it were, for parts of the story. The historical background
(medieval Kiev) seemed well-researched and provided an excellent backdrop
for the tale. I wish the Doctor had shown more concern than he actually
did over the soldier Mykola being tortured, or even made some attempt to
save him - did I miss it or was Mykola's eventual fate never actually confirmed?
As always, I found Dodo irritating: Steven and the Doctor by themselves
would have been preferable. Why is the gap between the Dalek Masterplan
and The Massacre never utilised by the authors of these 'untold adventure'
type novels? Oh, and Steven, as ever, was again denied any extra background,
even in his narrating role. Overall, however, a worthwhile read.