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...In my own Summer the shade is a Tool...

"...In my own Summer the shade is a Tool..."
Camillo 'Chino' Wong Moreno: lyrics to My Own Summer

I know I have neglected to update the site. But school has started, and homework, and my time and everything. Its all shit. Anyways I have updated this site finally as of today (Sept. 6) and I found out that the Deftones will be doing a special show with Cypress Hill, for more info check out the news section. Also, please, send me comments. I have already gotten some, but I want opionions, tell me what needs to be done, to make this site more pleasing. Any, and all suggestions are welcome. One last tiny thing. I know the majority of you guys (and gals) that come here are under 20. Which is all good, and means you probally want money. I know of a way to get money by surfing the net. If you want the insider info on this click here. Seriously check it out, its crazy, but moneys money. Check back in for updates, and more news on the 'tones.

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All graphics, and HTML by Jacob Vinson © 1999. Please do not use them without my permission. Any questions,
comments, or suggestions, about this site should be sent to Me.