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...In my own Summer the shade is a Tool... - News on the Band and this Site

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this site and the

- 9/06/99 -

OK. Ok. I appologize, I know my site hasn't been updated in a long-ass time. But it's not my fault nothing really interesting has happened to the 'tones in 4 months. I did find out that, Cypress Hill is having their second annual "Smoke Out Festival" otherwise known as "Smoke Out '99" (Time to hit the bong?, nah I'll go with the pipe. LOL) which is set to include rock and rap acts such as, the Deftones, KRS-One, Ozomatli, Gang Starr, the Long Beach Dub All-Stars, De La Soul, Fishbone, the World Famous Beat Junkies, Tijuana No, SX-10, Delinquent Habits, a slew of turntable and DJ acts, and a "surprise 4:20 act." The show will be held at the Orange Show Events Center in San Bernadino, Cali. It is expected to bring some 20,000 fans. Cypress Hill has also put up, dance tents, a haunted house, a "psychedelic" light show, and even some carnival rides. All I have to say is, Deftones are there so be there, also what a great time to hit the bong, pipe or J. LOL, we've all seen the evidence of Chino's habits. Check out the pictures section and you'll see what I'm talking about. If you don't already know.

- 8/02/99 -

Damn, its been a month. I found some new news...and here it is:
The deftones have started recording the new is supposed to be called 'White Pony'...they started recording July 26. Four days after Ozzfest ended. Chino said the new song, the one they played at Ozzfest, was called 'White Pony'. Chino said it was the new title track....we can only assume. As you all know by now, Chino has appeared on Sevendust's new album. The track was called "High-Hat". Now renamed to "Bender". Also the deftones were supposed to appear on the Bad-Brains tribute album. They were going to cover a song called 'Right Brigade'...but a band named 16 has covered it instead.
Interesting...anyways, I also heard new deftones shirts were being released, I will make a merchandise section soon. You will be able to find out about the new shirts there. Also some old news:
I found out Chino has done an interview were he talks about 2 mental-breakdowns he has had, and How Chi Cheng almost left the group. He almost left due to his foot infection. Not because of Chino's breakdowns and his drinking problem. By the way, did you all know that Chino has been married twice, and has a large drinking problem?? I think his first wife left him due to his drinking problem. But don't quote me on that. - The #1 Music Resource on the net

- 7/03/99 -

I got some Interviews Posted. One with Chino posted here. And another with Abe posted here. I have 2 more to post, one with Chino's mom, and one with Stef. But I'm gonna do that some other time. I also added 2 more Logos to the logos section. Check um out they're pretty cool. If anyone has any links they want posted, I'll surely post them. Hell, I'll even post a banner for you, in this section like these other banners. Other than that, if you peepz have a chance to go to Ozzfest '99: Don't Miss it. I heard a bunch of shit about the sucking at concerts. But I will see soon if its true. Also I plan on sneaking in a camera, lol, I will get pictures of the guys. Even if the pics suck, I'll still post them.

- 6/29/99 -

I gots some mp3 links posted, and until I can find a way to upload and link to some of my own mp3's. that'll have to do. I also Posted 6 more new pics, I have some pictures to post from Circus, but I need to get them scanned. So it may be a while. For anyone who cares, I got my Ozzfest tickets last night. For everyone in the Phoenix Area who will be there, I got lawn tickets (alot fukkin cheaper than reserved seating). Ohh, ya, If anyone out there has pictures of the the , at Ozzfest, I would love to post them. Please feel free to send them to me. Also, if anyone has any pictures of Sevendust, I would also love to post them on my Sevendust page. Other than that, For now, I have no new News on the band. Although pretty much the whole purpose of this News section, is too let you peepz know of news on the band, and this web site. And I plan on looking for some news, and I am sure I will find it. I just need to get around to looking for it. Thats all for now.

- 6/20/99 -

I finally decided to Put up a picture and Logo Section, I decided the loading time was too long. For everyone here in Phoenix, be at Ozzfest. Im telling you, Deftones are going to have a kick ass show. Along with Ozzy, Godmsack, Slayer, Primus, and 11 other bands. It will be one of the best Ozzfest's, be there or be screwed!

- 6/19/99 -

I finally got alot of pics posted check them out. I think it looks good, although the loading time is too long. I may make a separate page for the pics and another for the logos. Or I may make one for each band member, and one for logos. If you have a suggestion feel free to email me. If you think its too long, just right wutever you can also feel free to email me. I need links, for the links section, so if you have one, to any type of site you can also email me. I'll throw it in their somewhere.

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- 6/18/99 -

Today I officialy started posting pictures, news, and started work on adding more to this site. Although updating may cese to exist on my Sevendust Page for a while. I have collected many pictures and logos, and this site will come along. Although I have no Idea how long it will Take. If you have any banners you want me to post for now I will, although I cant guarantee they will stay up. thats all for now, I can guarantee this site will come along, and all you deftones fans, check back in. This sites gonna be the shit!

- 6/17/99 -

Today I officially started this page with additions of this, the news section. Thats about it, tommorrow I plan on adding some pictures, and some links to videos and/or music files. I may post some full .mp3's. I may just link to them I'm not sure which yet. Until then check back in for updates.