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"Eric is the Discworld's only demonology hacker. Pity he's not very good at it.

All he wants is three wishes granted. Nothing fancy - to be immortal, rule the world, have the most beautiful woman in the world fall madly in love with him, the usual stuff. But instead of a tractable demon, he calls up Rincewind, probably the most incompetent wizard in the universe, and the extremely intractable and hostile form of travel accessory known as the Luggage.

With them on his side, Eric's in for a ride through space and time that is bound to make him wish (quite fervently) again - this time that he'd never been born."

This book once again sees the return of Rincewind. Here he's joined by Eric(The original Harry Potter. Ahem.) to have a bit of a run around the place. I suppose if you think about it Rincewind's books are all the same, all about this guy running away with nothing new in any of them. While that might be taking a pecimistic viewpoint it is fairly true. But for some reason, I still can't get enough of him. This is the shortest Discworld book so maybe that, coupled with the fact that the Rincewind books were at this point being spread out more helps to keep him interesting. Anyway, well worth a read.

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