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"This is where the dragons went.

They lie ... not dead, not asleep, but ... dormant. And although the space they occupy isn't like normal space, nevertheless they are packed in tightly. They could put you in mind of a can of sardines, if you thought sardines were huge and scaly. And presumably, somewhere, there's a key ...

Guards! Guards! is the eighth Discworld novel - and after this, dragons will never be the same again!"

"Guards! Guards!" is the book that introduces us to the city watch - Ankh Morpork's first line of defense (Well, kind of). It's also the first book to be set entirely in the Disc's premiere city - and it works. Carrot, a six foot talll dwarf, is sent down from the mountains to join Ankh Morporks brave defenders. What he gets is Vimes, Colon and Nobby(Disqualified from the human race for shoving). There's a mix of romance, comedy and action. As you can prbably tell from the cover there's a big dragon involved too and that can only be good news.

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