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"Being trained by the Assassin's Guild in Ankh-Morpork did not fit Teppic for the task assigned to him by fate. He inherited the throne of the desert kingdom of Djelibeybi rather earlier than he expected (his father wasn't too happy about it either), but that was only the beginning of his problems ..."

Pyramids is largey set in Djelbeybi. This is a desert kingdom, a very different setting from most discworld books. Would be assassin Pteppic is called back from Ankh Morpork to take the throne of this backward little country-not that he has much power. I think the plot in this book is one of the best and is very interesting - particularly the way it looks at Pyramids. It's a pity there are no sequels-although I'm not sure what kind of story there could be in a follow-up. This could be a good book to bring on holiday if you're going somewhere warm-reading it on a hot sticky night really adds to the atmosphere.

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