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Benjamin Franklin Links

Here are some links to quality Franklin sites and his most popular writings. If you can't find what you need here, try Alta Vista, a search engine which seems to be pretty good at tracking down Franklin's works.

Poor Richard's Website A collection of Benjamin Franklin's best sayings, like "There are no ugly loves, or handsome prisons.". Thirty-six sayings in all, attractively arranged.

The Autobiography, Franklin's classic autobiography, nicely formatted and divided into chapters with summaries. Hard to read on monitors set to certain high resolution video modes, because the background interferes with the text.

The Autobiography (too) Another Autobiography site. The whole book is on one web page, so it's easily searched with your browser's find command and easy to download (just save the webpage to disk).

Benjamin Franklin, a Documentary History This site organizes what the author has collected about Franklin's life in chronological order. There is a great deal of detailed information here, especially about the first half of Franklin's life, but it's a rather "outline-ish" narrative.

Benjamin Franklin: an Enlightened American This well rounded general site contains a biography, information on Franklin's inventions, some of his wit, as well as curious facts about Franklin and his times. You can even search the entire site using the built in search engine.

Benjamin Franklin, Glimpses of the Man Offers general information and explorational activities aimed at school aged children. Features a short, cool online movie, a sort of animated collage set to music.

Encyclopedia Britannica article The entry on Benjamin Franklin from the Encyclopedia Britannica, which is now available online for free.

The Last Will and Testament of Benjamin Franklin Note how he treats his his estranged son, William Franklin (B.F. had no lands in Nova Scotia).

The Way to Wealth Franklin's most famous short piece, first published in Poor Richard's Almanack. Franklin uses sayings on industry and frugality from the Almanack in a long harangue.

Advice to a Young Tradesman Another famous Franklin essay.

Journal of a Voyage Excerpts from a journal Franklin kept while returning across the Atlantic to America.

The Friends of Franklin, Inc. Society for the promotion of study and scholarship of Ben Franklin. Has list of Franklin related events and exhibits, and reviews of recent book releases about or related to Franklin.

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