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Hung Van Lam

Objective: To obtain a career that utilizes my design, creativity, and performing skills.



2002—Current Marketing & Public Relations Representative @ City College of San Francisco, CA Lab Aid

I answered calls, process mail, do filing, and helped critique the School publications such as the CCSF college website, summer schedual.

2001—2002 The Guardsman newspaper & ETC. magazine publications @ City College Of San Francisco CA.


My duties were to attend editorial meetings, pagination work, conduct surveys, give interviews, illustrate, and help with the design & production

2001—2002 Purple Sun Organization[Non-Profit ] S.F., CA

Website- master -designer - technician -&- producer

Attended meetings (Client Consulting), project managing, timeline & budget, producing content, layout, photography, illustrations, art, worked on website, and attended a retreat to discuss the foundations & missions of the organization .

1997—1998 SNBC (Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center) S.F., CA

Youth Coalition & Leader We did project consulting, planning, lecturing, presentations, illustration contributed content, community work, interviewing, and surveying as a Group.




People skills , HTML hand-coder

Photoshop, Illustrator, Priemere, Sound Edit 16, Dream Weaver, Flash, Fireworks, QuarkXPress, Word, Frontpage, Excell, Pain Shop Pro & Animation shop


I speak Chinese & Vietnamese.


2000-Deans list, 1998-Coaches football award, 1998-Peer Resources award


•1999-present Multimedia Animation Certificate & AA Degree from City College Of San Francisco, CA.

•1994-1998 Diploma from Abraham Lincoln HS S.F. CA.


‘SPECIAL Interests,

Art, carpentry, community, computers, dance, directing, fitness, gardening, journalism, music, philosophy, photography, poetry, vocals, socializing, sports


References are online.

I’m located in San Francisco, CA 94122