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*Hi FRIENDS*FANS*MY PEEPS/BUDS:)*& guest/visitor/cool person/U;D *WELCOME* to My Homepage:)AKA: intRo... *Here you will find: *My creations*poems*artWorks*philosophy*stories & ShOrT sToRiEs*dedications*pictures *auto biography/aLL about me:)*list of contacts/friends and their webpages *Dedication 2 Da 80's and it's music/My Favorite Songs & MuSiCaL ArtisTs:) * C:):)L Links. *and my MESSAGE oF PEACe TO DA WORLD and PEOPLE* I Hope you like what Ya Cee:)* tHESE WORKS ARE ALL my Ideas form my wOrldly Mind & immaginative- *Fantasies* *I am a self taught artist who grew up in Good Ol San Francisco Caifornia L<3Ve *BRUCE LEE is my IDOLE, thanks Bruce for being who ya R. Much RESPECT to u and hope you are haven fun:) *e-mail me your comments by signing my guestbook:).. Make sure you sign it before ya leave plEase:) **Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. ****Please come back and visit again!***** *Peace*Love* & HarmonY*

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