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Fairbanks Links

The Fairbanks Chapter of PFLAG.
One of the most amazing and wonderful organizations in town.
Their web site needs to be updated though- they meet on the third Sunday of every month at 4:00pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church.

Join the Fairbanks Pride list.
By joining this list you sign up to be a participant in an ongoing discussion about events in the Fairbanks, and National GLBTS communities.  People also regularly post announcements concerning upcoming events on this page.

Q Net AK
Your Alaskan information source for calanders, nightlife, homepages, and friendly businesses for the Fairbanks, Anchorage, and Juneau communities

Pink Ink
The GLBTS Newsletter for the Fairbanks community.  Updated monthly, it contains everything from calanders, stories, poems, artwork, health news, horoscopes, and "Ask Auntie Augusta."

The House of Exxxcedrin
One of the local GLBTS groups that work as strong supporters of Fairbanks GLSEN.
They believe in raising funds and awareness through entertainment.

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