Physics Test (1st Semester)

Hey!  I see you found my physics tests page.  All these tests are 1st semester only! the next page is 2nd semester, I do in fact have the semester final in December.  However the only difference from these tests and the ones you'll be taking in regular Physics next year is that the numbers will be different (that is all).  I also would put the answers with the questions but i didn't do too well on any of the tests, but i did get some answers sooo...  if you need an answer to some question I just might have it (e-mail me the question, and the test number)  so! enjoy!


Ch. 1 Test 1


1. You may use one 8 1/2" x 11" page of your own notes (turn in with test)

2. One calculator per student (no sharing)

3. Show all work below each question as is applicable (no work will result in a loss of points)

4. Show proper units in both your work & answers.

5. Place answer in the space provided.

6. Be neat!

Tom takes a very short trip in his new car. First he backs up at 4 m/s for 40m. Next, Tom drives foreword for 15s at 6 m/s.  Assuming that foreword is the postive direction & that Tom drives at a constant speed as he backs up at 4 m/s & as he drives foreword at 6 m/s...

1) How long (time) did Tom spend backing up?

2) How far (distance) did Tom travel as he drove foreword during the last part of his trip?

3) What was Tom's average speed for the whole trip?

4) What was Tom's average velocity for the whole trip?


Ch. 1 Test 2

Bob and Ann are going to run a 100m race. Since Ann is faster than Bob she gives him a 10m head start. Bob runs the race (the "last" 90m) at a constant speed of 6 m/s. Ann runs the 100m race (at a constant speed) in 12s.

1) How long (time) did it take Bob to complete the race?

2) How fast (speed) did Ann run the race?

3) Using 1 km = .6 miles & 1,000m = 1 km (as well as appropriate time conversions) convert Bob's speed into miles/hour.

4) At what point (displacement) did Ann pass Bob?  If you answer this question by plotting both runners travels (the race) on a displacement -vs- time graph then be sure to attach you completed graph.


Ch. 2 Test 1

A car traveling at 15 m/s needs to pass a truck. As the car passes the truck it spends 10s uniformly accelerating up to a speed of 20 m/s.

1) At what rate is this car accelerating at as it passes the truck?

2) How far did the car travel as it passed the truck?

3) What was the car's average speed during the 10s it spend passing the truck?

The same car as above must slow down due to traffic immediatly after passing the truck. The car does this by decelerating at 1m/s^2 for 15s.

4) How far did the car travel as it was slowing down? (Reminder: The car was traveling at 20 m/s just before it started slowing down.)

5) What was the car's average speed for the whole 25s? (passing the truck & slowing down due to traffic)


Ch. 2 Test 2

In a 100m drag race between car A & car B both cars start from rest. During the race car A uniformly accelerates at 8 m/s^2 while car B uniformly accelerates at only 7.6 m/s^2.

1) How long (time) did it take car A to finish the race?

2) How far behind (distance) was car B when car A finished the race?

3) If the driver of car A wanted the race to end in a "tie" how long (time) would she have to wait after the race started before she actually started to accelerate?

A cop cruising at 20 m/s is passed by a speeder moving at a constant 24 m/s. As the cop is being passed he starts to accelerate after the speeder at .5 m/s^2.

4) How long (time) will it take the cop to catch/pass the speeder?


Ch. 3 Test

A man is walking on a track bed. The truck is rolling at 3 m/s [E] relative to a boat it is on. The boat is moving down stream at 4 m/s [W] relative to the shore.

1) If the man is walking at 2 m/s [W] relative to the truck bed then what is the man's velocity relative to an observer on shore?

2) If the man's velocity relative to an observer on shore is 2 m/s [W] then what is the man's velocity relative to the truck bed?

A dog wandering in a field trots 200m [S], then runs 300m [E], followed by walking 500m [N], & lastly troting 700m [W]

3) How far (direct line of sight) is the dog located at the end of his wandering relative to where he started?

The Earth orbits the sun at an average distance of 1.5 x 10^11m

4) What is the average centrepetal acceleration that keeps Earth in it's orbit? (watch units!)

A bird flying at 10 m/s due North gets caught in a cross wind that is blowing due East. As a result of this cross wind the bird is blown off course in a [N 36.87°E] direction.

5) What is the speed of this cross wind?

6) In what direction should this bird change his heading to so that he actually does fly due North relative to the ground?

A jet has an air speed of 100 m/s & a heading of [N 60°W]. This jet is caught by a cross wind that is blowing at 75 m/s in a [N 30°E] direction.

7) In what direction, relative to the ground, is the jet actually travelling in?


Ch. 4 Test

A 140m high bridge spans a river. Two steel balls are thrown off the bridge at the same time. Ball A is thrown straight up at 16 m/s & ball B is thrown straight down at 12 m/s.

1) How long will it take ball B to hit the river below?

2) How fast is ball B moving at just before it hits the river below?

3) How high above the river is ball A when ball B hits the river?

A 140m high bridge spans a river. Two steel balls are thrown off the bridge at the same time. Ball A is thrown straight up at 16 m/s & ball B is thrown straight down at 12 m/s.

4) How long will it take ball A to reach a speed of 20 m/s?

5) How high above the river will ball A be when it is at its highest point?

Here on Earth NASA sets up a pendulum so that it has a 2s period. This "same length" pendulum is sent to planet X where it swings with a period of 8s.

6) How long is NASA's pendulum?

7) What is "g" on planet X?


Ch. 5 Test

A spring is stretched 20cm by a 40N force.

1. What is the force constant for this spring?

2) The spring stretched only 5 cm when object "A" is hung on it. What is the mass of object "A"?

Two identical objects 1,000,000m apart (center to center distance) attract each other with a force of .02N.

3) How far apart would these two objects have to be so that they exhibit an attraction of only .005N towards each other?

4) What is the combined mass of these two objects?

A 30kg block of wood is sitting stationary on a horizontal floor even though a 20N force is pulling on it.

5) What is the net force that is acting on this box?

6) If the coefficient of friction between the floor & the block of wood is .6 what is the potential force of friction that can act on this block of wood?

A 3-kg block of wood is sitting on a horizontal floor. Three forces are pulling on this box. These forces are pulling the box 50N [E], 40N [S], & 80N [W].

7) What is the magnitude of the net force due to these 3 pulling forces?

8) What must be the minimum coefficient of friction between the box & floor if the box does not move when these three forces pull on it?


Ch. 1-6 Semester Final

A 15kg box initially at rest is being pulled by a horizontal force such that it is actually accelerating at 6 m/s^2 across a 20m long level floor. There is a .4 coefficient of friction in effect between the box & the floor.

1) How long will it take the box to travel across the 20m level floor?

2) What will be the average speed of the box as it travels the 20m length of the floor?

3) What is the force of friction that is acting on the box?

4) What is the net force that is acting on the box?

5) What is the horizontal force that is pulling on the box?

6) How much force would you need to apply vertically if you wanted to lift this box at a rate of 8 m/s^2

A spring balance has 25N weight hung on it. THis results in the spring stretching 20 cm.

7) How much farther will this spring stretch if a 6kg mass is hung on it in place of the 25N weight?

A 1,000kg car is traveling at 20 m/s when it suddenly rear ends a 4,000kg truck. The actual collision takes only 0.4s. As a result of the collision the car and truck lock bumpers. Their final velocity is only 16 m/s.

8) What was the speed of the truck just before the collision?

9) What was the average force that the truck experienced during the collision?

10) What was the average rate of acceleration that the car experienced during this collision?

Car A & B compete in a 200m race. Car A starts the race from rest & accelerates for the whole race at 1.8 m/s^2. Car B completes the race with an average speed of 20 m/s.

11) How much sooner will Car B finish the race then Car A?

Two 3kg steel balls are thrown off a high bridge. Ball A is thrown straight down at 10 m/s & Ball B is thrown straight up at 10 m/s. It takes 4s for Ball A to hit the bottom below the bridge.

12) How high is the bridge?

13) What was the speed of Ball A just before Ball A hit bottom?

14) How long will it take Ball B to hit bottom below the bridge?

A man takes a short trip. He walks 125m [N], then he jogs 100m [E], & lastly he runs 50m [S].

15) When the man is finished with his trip in what direction is where he started relative to where he ends his trip?

Disclaimer:  I am not responsible for you (if you do) get in trouble for these tests I have posted on my web site.  They are to be used as a study aid and nothing more. They are samples of what the real things are. and I would not recommend printing this page out.  But you do in fact have free will, so I cannot stop you. Thank you for your time. -Alexis Garcia 

Physics (2nd Semester)

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