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After visiting many other anti-guy groups sites and reading their guestbooks and Hate Mail, I've noticed that teenyboppers are so stupid that they leave the same recycled entries. Here, I have prepared some responses to those cliched entries. The entries are in bold type, while my responses are in normal type.
1. Entry: "You're just jelus/jelos/ jellus/any other idiotic misspelling of 'jealous' because they have more talent than you!!
Answer: Au contraire, naive little one! I was in a choir for gifted child singers from ages 8-12. I was in my high school's selective chorus. I taught myself how to play bass on a professional level at age 12, and guitar in the space of 3 months.
2. Entry: "You're just pissed off 'cuz they have a lot of money!"
Answer: Damn straight, I'm pissed! Especially when there are bands (like mine) who are ten times more talented and work ten times harder than them!
3. Entry: "You're pissed 'cuz they have all the women!!"
Answer: First of all, I'm engaged. Secondly, I don't think I'd want a bunch of teenyboppers following me everywhere I go, trying to take my boxers out from under my pants.
4. Entry: "You must not have a life if you have the time to set up a hate page!"
Answer: Actually, I'm quite happy with my life. Besides being in a well-known local band, I also work at a very popular alternative-rock radio station and get to see concerts for free.
5. Entry: "You're so mean!! How do you think (insert name of guy group member) would feel if he saw your site?"
Answer: All I'd have to say to that is, if any of the group members got insulted by this or any other hate page, they'd have to be even bigger wusses than previously thought. If you're going to be a celebrity, you have to accept the fact that there will be people who are going to hate you.

