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Here are some pictures of VERY expensive lightsaber replicas:

Ben, Anakin and Luke lightsabers

Here are 3 lightsaber replicas. They were made and are owned by Jeffrey Parks.

Luke, Darth, Anakin, and Ben, Lightsabers

Three of these replicas are the same as above. These are owned and made by the same guy above this picture.

Darth Vader's lightsaber

Here is Darth Vaders lightsaber replica. The original lightsaber was used on Episode 4 - A New Hope

Anakin/Luke's lightsaber

Here is Anakin's lightsaber(later used by Luke) replica.

Ben Kenobi's lightsaber

Here is Ben Kenobi's (Obi-Wan Kenobi's) lightsaber replica. The original lightsaber was also used on Episode 4 - A New Hope