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Blonde Da Pimp's World of Weed

Welcome to the World of Weed! Hosted By: Blonde Da Pimp Please A.K.A jedtag take moment to smoke a joint or lite up a pipe and be a powerpuffer.

The Man In Charge of Our Country?????

He Knows How We Feel. So please support the fight to legalise Marijuana.

The Plant of the Week: Home Grown Special

The "Home Grown Special" is a outdoor grow plant. The flowers of this plant are unique. Each plant has blue and pink flowers, and a exillent sweet taste.

Click here to see other of my favorite weeds

Click here to download some cool weed and trippin stuff

Please come back later for future updates


I also would like to smoke a big fat joint in the name of Mrs. Simms/Lee of West Feliciana High for all of her time and piontless effort to run the lives of me and my fellow students in the past few years. Now we have a new bitch to look at. COACH TORNHILL the........ "Big Headed Bitch"

Well everyone I have some bad news. For the past year and a half I haven't touched one joint! I was in a car reck on January second 2002 and I broke my neck. I am now a quadriplegic, and I live at home with my parents. That means that I am completly paralized from the shoulders down. I can move my arms a little, because I can use my bicepts, but not my tricepts. My hands are paralized as well. I can type on the keyboard with pencils taped to my hands. It is real slow. I'd do anything for a joint! Life has been living HELL for me. I lost my phone with all my numbers to my friends in Hammon and Mandaville. They don't even know what happen to me. If anyone knows them or you just want to get in touch with me leave a message at Well I'll get back to ya soon.

Also the site does not promote the use of marijuana and has does not promote for anyone to have intitions to do so. But being illegal any way I hope you don't get caught. As for my final word:.... "WHAT ARE THE FOUR THINGS DO YOU DO IF YOU SEE WEED GROWING IN THE WILD???" Answer:"PICK,ROLL,SMOKE,AND GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!"

"In concluding, this site is of total fiction including all names, places, events, and are of the imagination of its creator."

For all of you who have web sites, here's my web banner.

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