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Poetry Sent In

Here are some poetry sent in to me....If u have any that u would like to be posted...feel free to email it to me along with your name and email address...I don't make any changes to the poetry sent in...I just paste it like it is.

Love of the rose

The love is like a flower,
And it has magic power.
The love between you and me is like a rose,
And i think of you my sadness away goes.
When you kissing me,
It feels like the god is blessing me.
Like a moonlight are yours eyes,
Not like the other guys.
And when you are romantic very,
You kissing taste like a strawberry.
At the first time I saw you I felt in the love whit you,
Like everybody else do.
When I see your lips, I want just kiss you,
Oh men, how I miss you.
I think of you every night,
You are like my light
That you like me I can see,
When you look at me.Just hug me,
kiss me, and don't let me go,
Because you don't have to be afraid that I will say no.
Author: Andrea M. Cermakova

Little Mermaid

When ocean is blue,
Mermaids singing do.
And when is it green
,Little mermaid dream.
The miles under water where everybody will die,
And you can't see from there the sky.
There is living a little mermaid,
And her body from girl and fish is made.
Her hairs are blue like plants from the sea,
But nobody cans ever her see.
She is beautiful very,
And her lips have color like a strawberry.
The blue is color of her eyes,
And that nice, that everybody will for her dies.
But she is very sad,
Because what she really wants, she never will get.
Her wish is love only,
But she is all the time lonely.
The loneliness is her life.
And it hurts like in the body the knife.
Everybody will fall in love with her,
But nobody is there.
author: Andrea M. Cermakova

Dreaming on the Mars

The planet of the dreams is Mars,
With a lot of beautiful stars.
In my dream I'm there,
It's a place I met you where.
When we together are,
I feel like at the night a star.
My whole life I want to dream about you,
nothing else, I want to do.
In my dreams I'm flying on the sky,
but I don't have to be afraid when I fell, I will die.
Your eyes are like a sun light,
And like a moon light at the night.
Just one more time kiss me,
And to the next night miss me.
author: Andrea M. Cermakova

Living The Future's Past

Because of love's pained memory
and the thought of what might be,
I shed a tear for want of thee
and thee, one single tear for me.
From the promise of thy heart
I protect my future's revery
what never met, cannot part.
author: Dale Thomas


> > Close to the door
> > he paused to stand
> > as he took his class ring
> > off her hand
> > all who were watching
> > did not speak as a silent tear
> > ran down his cheek
> > and through his mind
> > the memories ran
> > of the moments they walked
> > and laughed in the sand
> > but now her eyes were so terrible
> > for he would never again
> > have her to hold
> > they watched in silence
> > as he bent near
> > and whispered the words......
> > "I LOVE YOU" in her ear
> > he touched her face and started to cry
> > as he put on
his ring and wanted to die
> > and just then the wind began to blow
> > as they lowered her casket
> > into the snow....
> > this is what happens
> > to man alive......
> > .....when friends let friends.....
> > drink and drive.
author: unknown

The Stranger I

You were walking in the night
a stranger was following you slowly and quite.
You turned around
as you heard a strange sound.
You looked in his face and got a shock
downstairs you fall like a rock.
You saw a light
that was shining bright.
It was not hot, it was cold
but it was shining like gold.
On the ground you were lying there
but as you looked around
there were flying angels in the air
totally quite and without sound.
You were dead you couldn't believe
the stranger wasn't an assasin or a thieve.
It was the death that looked at you
it was the death that was following you.

The Stranger II

You were now an angel too
but what could you do ?
You decided to follow the man
and trying to end his deadly plan.
The moon wasn't shining bright
and suddenly the man disappeared in the night.
You had no clue
what he now would do.
As an angel you flew high
into the starless sky.
You asked yourself: why me ? why ? why ? why ?
and started to cry.
After that you decided to find the man
and asked yourself again:
will he finish his deadly plan ?
Suddenly the sun was slowly coming
and some bees were happy humming.

Stranger III

You saw the first shines of the sun
and the day begun.
You couldn't feel them they weren't warm
suddenly without warning it disappeared your arm.
You didn't know what was going on ?
filled with fear you prayed to the holy son.
He appeared with a light mighty and bright
and told you the story of the angels of night.
As he was away
you knew you couldn't stay.
All parts of your body disappeared at last your neck
you couldn't see others than black.
Without any feeling of time the night came again
you appeared and wanted to end the deadly plan.
You were starting to search for the man
but you didn't know where he was again.
You started to fly through the night
the stars gave you the light.
They guided your way as long as you could stay
and suddenly you passed the man's way.

Stranger IV

You saw him but he didn't see you
you thought about what you now could do.
In a moment you didn't notice he turned around
again without any sound.
He rose his hand and pointed at you
you were unable to move you could nothing do.
Suddenly it began to shake
and then came rain and earthquake.
You heard the sirens of the nearer town
and saw how buildings were falling down.
His red eyes were glowing
and as the moonlight came out
his face was showing
it was the scariest thing no doubt.
You knew that this was no game.
He opened his mouth and out came a flame.
Suddenly you could feel pain
you still couldn't move because of an
invisible chain.
is that the end ???

author: Rony Liemmukda


Dark as night
Light as day
What do you want from a stray
Slick as shadows in the night
Look for things out of sight.
author: kayla paquin

Goin' Down the Drain

She's about American,
as Russian boots.
She acts just like a man,
but is oh so cute.
I don't know what to do,
every night and every day.
I don't know what to do,
'cause my life is goin' down the drain!
She bitches all the time,
no way to get away.
I don't know what to do,
my life's goin' down the drain.
My life is goin' down the drain,
my mind is overwound with pain.
Will I ever get away?
Will you live to rue the day,
you did this to me?
You got to look past the trees.
You got to get down on your knees,
for me to forgive you.
My life is goin' down the drain.
My mind is overwound with pain,
so what do you think?
My life is going down the drain.
author: Robert Cary Johnson

Think Alike

Look inside the whole of you
You only see what’s beside of you
Feel unsure- have no doubt
What’s that inside? –it’s only you
Others have minds of which unsure
Yours should be the one that’s pure
Don’t doubt the things you hear inside
They tell you your still breathing
Maybe you don’t hear
Maybe you don’t know
Maybe it’s inside of you
Why can’t you
Maybe in time- You’ll get born.
author: Melissa Birch

The land that time forgot

Feeling like a piece of it
Falling from your feet
Inside you take me-away from my dreams
I am nothing that’s for real
Outside Im hurt
Inside theirs pain
From the freedom I have not got
Stabing me with your words
I’ll be no more
You'll be no more.
author: Melissa Birch


Tears of the dawn I hold within,
With all my pain and suffering,
Rivers from the mind they flow,
With all the grief, I want to go.
Time will heal this wounded mind,
While inside the heart still dies,
Please God make me sleep tonight,
Or just even die tonight.
I run away from the pain I feel inside,
And from the sorrow.
My pointless mind.
I run away, deep down inside-
I die.
author: Melissa Birch


As i look i see
All that you mean to me
but i can't fuiger out why,
why, you said that to me
author: kayla paquin


thinking thinking
all the time
thinking thinking
how devine
thinking thinking
what a dime
thinking thinking
time for bye!
author: Kayla Paquin

Your one in a million

your a total fool
just the thought
of being with you
chills and creeps
bugs and bees
once death comes
you shall forever burn
in the flames of hell!!
author: Kayla Paquin


>I am just a confused child wandering around in the big universe
>I see many people talking but I can barely hear them
>I hear many stories but soon forget them
>I wander around aimlessly trying to find my own identity
>I see those trying to pole ahead of others
>I see some slacking just to be slackers
>I wonder sometimes which group I would be classified in
>I wonder whether people should be classified at all
>I hope to achieve my best in life
>I try not to think whether my best is better than the next
>I love to hear people give me compliments but
>I am afraid of getting too big of a head
>I pretend sometimes that I’m better off without friends
>I cry when I find myself alone>I say I’m fine, although, sometimes
>I feel horrible>I dream that all will be done correctly someday
>I understand my dream might never happen
>I worry someday I will touch somebody’s heart, when
>I touch somebody’s heart I hope it will not break
>I often get judged by my fellow citizens
>I wonder if they know how much that could hurt
>For I am just a confused child wandering around in the big universe
author: Maureen Harter


>one, ten, hundreds, thousands, millions, kills in a day
>they fight for their country, at least that’s what they say
>guns shot, canyons launched, and little children’s screams
>politicians fight, and people from afar worry it seems
>nobody can say why we really fight a bloody war
>all that comes from one is a number of deaths which seems to soar and soar
>judgment day will come for these killers in the end
>will the killers, for their lives, will they truthfully be able to defend?
author: Maureen Harter


I am little girl watching the war from afar
>I wonder whether the millions dying all have family that cry for them at night
>I hear myself weeping when I think of someone close to me that I might lose
>I see the faces of the children starving because of this so called idea of peace
>I want to yell at the politicians and make them look at the world from my point of view
>I am a little girl watching the war from afar>
>I pretend sometimes I’m too young to really understand their pain
>I feel a regret whenever I admit I’m apart of the USA
>I touch the newspaper pictures of these strangers and I feel sad, as if I really knew them
>I worry that the soldiers don’t realize that they are passing judgment on those whom they
>kill>I cry out to the lord for him to forgive these misguided adults
>I am a little girl watching the war from afar>
>I understand that the war’s results will never go away for nobody can bring back the
>dead.>I say to myself I can’t do anything to help the people in Kosovo
>I dream that one person is saying they can do something to stop the war and will
>I try to forgive the many who only have hate in their hearts, which can be hard to do.
>I hope god will be forgiving on their judgment day.
>For I am a little girl watching the war from afar
author: Maureen Harter

>Love is not something to toy with

>I see you walking with another girl>and I greet you both with sincerity
>there’s no regret in my heart when I >say good-bye for I know in my heart
>you will return>>Before I met you my only purpose in life
>was to get as far ahead in life as possible
>to only benefit myself. Now I look at the world >through a different view>
>I look our into the world through a different
>pair of eyes. Before I only saw black and
>white now I can experience color
>for the first time.>>When I am held in your arms I feel safe and
>wanted. when I push you away I only
>want you to hold me closer. It’s as if my
>hands fit perfectly in yours
>and we were meant to be.>>When you look into my brown eyes and smile
>I would not want to be any other place but with
>you. It is as if I have known you for my lifetime yet
>you still seem to surprise me with your selfless acts.>
>There was once a time I swore off all boys in general
>that was until I had met you. There was something slightly
>different about you that made me confused on whether>to trust you or not>
>You didn’t toy with my emotions, or look down upon me.
>You didn’t lie, cheat, or pretend you were somebody
>you weren’t. You made me feel happy, confused, and sincere>all at the same time
>>When I found you I did not find a little boy but a loving man.
>Listen carefully for all I have said to you has been sent with
>this meaning inside, please remember, love is not something
>to toy with, and I love you
author: Maureen Harter


>All I wanted was to have friends, I need friends, although sometimes I don’t like to admit >it. They are what gives a person the energy to go through the day. If some friends fail >you than maybe it’s better you are without them, This is the choice I am facing now
>Should I still be friends with you when you deny my trust and lie to me? Should my >friends be the ones that tease me but I still know they’re kidding? What happens when >the teasing turns more into a taunt and bitterness between the you and me? Is a friend >somebody who turns their back on you the minute you’re in need of comforting?
>What about the friends where you tell them secrets and they keep them secret but than >go somewhere where you weren’t invited and listen to others say mean things about you >without saying a word? What happens when a friends personality seems fake or >unsure?
>I can’t help but look out into the world and question some of my friends? Maybe I ask the >question why did I let some go that probably I was better off with. how could they just let >me sit here and cry like this at night? How could they hurt me so bad? They say things >things that are terrible and act like it’s nothing and go on with their lives.. how could they >just sit there and look me in the eye when I talk to them about how much hurt I’m >experiencing.
>I’ve shared fond memories with them yet the bad memories seem to stick out in my >mind.. is this a friend? They take me places and say it’s a lot of fun and that I’m the best >person they’d want to be with right than, but than go out the next day and repeat the >same thing to someone else, is this a friend? We laughed, we even cried together but >when I needed them all they could think of was excuses, is this a friend?
>Many people get hurt in our society, some are women some are men, some are kids >and some are adults, who they are hurt by can leave them with a lil scar or a huge gash >in their heart. If you keep on doing what you’re doing to me my heart might just bleed to >death from all the gashes you’ve created.
author: Maureen Harter


>When is suicide the right answer? People who are alive always preach against it and >how it’s so horrible.. but it’s not like we can a person who committed suicide side of the >story. Is suicide the right answer or is it never acceptable? I never quite know the >answer, what if you’ve lost all your friends and feel alone and feel numb as if you’ll >never get past the point in your life in which you are at. What if you’re only 14 and >shouldn’t even be feeling these pains? What happens when the pains seem almost >unbearable. what do you do than? What happens when every night you cry silently and >don’t tell anybody. What about when you know you need help but you feel to >embarrassed to mention it to anybody. What happens when your own parents don’t >listen to you when that’s all you need them to do just maybe once or twice. What if you >feel it’d be everybody else’s fault if you were to commit suicide but not your own? What >happens after you realize your life is not your own anymore but a strangers? It’s as if >somebody is living it right in front of you and you don’t realize who you are. What >happens when all you can think about is negative facts about yourself? What happens >when you see right through everybody else and only see there stupidity and cruelty? >How should you react when you realize you might never be able to accept yourself? >What should you do when you realize you’re actually writing a poem about suicide?
author: Maureen Harter


Always . . . .> >I always seem to do the wrong things, or say the wrong word. I always seem to laugh >when I’m suppose to be quiet or cry when I’m all alone. I always seem to look the worst >or eat too much, even dress the wrong way. I am an outcast to society, no matter how >many times I’ve tried to become apart of things, something drive me away. Sometimes >it’s you, a stranger, or even my parents, but mostly it’s just me.
author: Maureen Harter

>Why do they Care?>

Why do my parents have to care so much? why can’t they see they’re killing me >inside? I realize they are just trying to teach me life lessons but hey just don’t understand >how much I want to be me. Can they blame me for feeling this way? They yell and >scream at me when I don’ do things their way. Why should I wear the clothes they want >me to wear? Why should I care about what other think about me? Why do I have to be >the one punished for their insecurity? They tell me they’re not everybody else’s parents >and don’t care what they do but that’s all a lie. They care too much, that’s the problem, >my parents want me to be a perfect child, like the one they dream of but that’s not me. I >want to be myself, why do they have to care so much?>
author: Maureen Harter

I hate . . . . .

>I hate when people pretend to be better than you
>I hate when a person is teased
>I hate being excluded just because I express myself differently
>I hate having friends who I put too much trust in and in the end get hurt by
>I hate liking someone cause I’m too afraid I’ll be hurt by them
>I hate when I hurt someone
>I hate thinking and knowing I’m not perfect and I’m overweight
>I hate it when I realize someone is better than I am
>I hate when people judge others >I hate first impressions
>I hate it when people discriminate others
>I hate it when people don’t give me a 2nd chance
>I hate it when people make up cruel nicknames
>I hate it when people want to be something they’re not
>Most of all I hate writing this poem about hate when I shouldn’t even have the
>experience of what it feels like.
author: Maureen Harter

My Friend, God.

>I say I’m independent but I lie, >there’s one I will always be dependent upon.
>he gave me life, he gave me so many privileges.
>I wish I could figure out what he wanted me to become,
>I wish he could restate all his rule so I could
>understand them more clearly. He’s the silent type
>which treats you like everyone else. I try to be his best
>friend and do things his way to please him. I know he realizes
>how important he is to me. Does he understand he’s my
>only real friend I can depend on? I make sure I talk to him every
>day or night, because communication is a big part of this
>relationship. The sad thing is, I will probably never meet this friend
>until after I die.
author: Maureen Harter

My Mother's Love

My mom is not exactly someone you can love right away. she has this sort of >charm that scares some people off and makes others laugh. Sometimes she’s like an >older sister to me, we giggle and we share secrets. Sometimes I have to watch what I >say because she easily jumps to conclusions.
Whenever she yells or screams at me I feel low and insecure or I feel rejected. >The thing is, she never knows what I’ve been through during the day. She doesn’t feel >the same as me about some topics, which makes it hard for us to agree on things. She >believe she gives me too much freedom and I believe she can crush me at times when it >comes to my social life.
One of the things my mom and I share is our stubbornness. We both want to >share about our days every night when we have dinner together with the rest of the >family. She always wins and tells the family detail by detail everything. By the time she’s >finished my personal stories lie deep within me.
My mom is just misunderstood, sure she yells a lot and worries too much, but >maybe it’s from personal experience. The problem is she never shares her personal >experience from when she was younger. She just says “cause I said so” I want to >understand my mom some more, realize what made her the way she is. She is my role >model in so many ways but in other ways I too am scared of her.
Her love is her own, whenever I receive it I feel happy and privileged. She has >her bad bouts but mostly the good shines through. Like how she always takes care of >me when I’m sick or always helps me when I need help with homework. She’s >influenced me in many ways I never thought anybody could. I just wish I knew my mom >and I knew her inside-out cause it’s like she’s almost hiding painful experiences from us >all.
author: Maureen Harter

Why Won't They Listen?

>I tell them how I feel but they just won’t listen
I tell them how I think it should be done but they just won’t listen
>I complain about the negative things but they just won’t listen
>I ask them not to hurt me but they just won’t listen
>I ask them question when they do hurt me but they just won’t listen
>I even cry out loud but they still won’t listen
>I ask them to treat me like a friend should but they just won’t listen!
author: Maureen Harter


>I know I’m young and shouldn’t understand but the picture is just too clear for me to >miss. I tried to voice my opinion but all the kids just laughed. Don’t the realize how >clearly I can see what life is?
>Life is cruel it’s what you make of it. If I scold you for your actions it’s because I don’t >want you to get hurt in the future. My advice is always given very carefully and with >thought and purpose
>I know I’m young and shouldn’t understand but the picture is just too clear for me to >miss. I tried to voice my opinion but all the kids just laughed. Don’t the realize how >clearly I can see what life is?
>Don’t they realize it’s not the little things you have to worry about? Life isn’t about >whether you wear the right things, or talk the correct way, you may not believe me but it >has nothing to do with how much money you have or how many friends you have
>I know I’m young and shouldn’t understand but the picture is just too clear for me to >miss. I tried to voice my opinion but all the kids just laughed. Don’t the realize how >clearly I can see what life is?
>Life is what you make it to be, it’s about doing things if you’re unhappy, it’s about living >the way you want to. Life can be short or long, happy or sad, in the end, I can only hope >the happy memories stick out over the bad ones.
>I know I’m young and shouldn’t understand but the picture is just too clear for me to >miss. I tried to voice my opinion but all the kids just laughed. Don’t the realize how >clearly I can see what life is?
author: Maureen Harter

A Poem To Myself

>I’ve known you my whole life but you still don’t understand who I am. You know my >name and I know yours but you still don’t understand who I am. you say I’m so >predictable but you still don’t understand who I am. You’ve seen me when I was most >vulnerable but you still don’t understand who I am. I see you almost every Sunday at >church but you still don’t understand who I am. I see you everyday out of each year but >you still don’t understand who I am. You’ve seen me sick and healthy but you still don’t >understand who I am. We agree on every single subject usually but you still don’t >understand who I am. You were there when I received my first kiss but you still don’t >understand who I am. You were there for my first step, first word, and first day of school >but you still don’t understand who I am. Don’t worry about understanding me, because >that is one of the purposes of life, to discover along the way who you are.
author: Maureen Harter

Prom Night

It’s prom night tonight and I’m going with a certain special guy. He told me he’d >love to take me and would cherish the night forever. I went out with my mom and >bought this gorgeous blue prom dress that cost too much for my parents to afford but >they bought it with a smile and a lil bit too much pride. Yesterday I saw tears in my >daddies eyes when he saw me try on my new dress, he told me I looked beautiful when I >wore it.
My sisters helped me with my hair since we could not afford to get it >professionally done. I can’t believe I’m going to prom, it’s like a dream come true I >squealed as they finished applying the hairspray.
> Now I wait upstairs in my room with 5 minutes to go, I don’ want to seem too >eager so that is why I’m waiting up stairs. I keep glancing at the clock.. 1 minutes goes >by. and I wait anxiously. It’s only 6:56 PM.. Now it’s 7:15, not a big deal, the guy is >always been known to be fashionably late I say out-loud trying to convince myself. My >family waits downstairs as if he isn’t late at all, they’re so good to me...
Through blurry eyes I look at the clock for the hundredth time tonight, it is 8:00, >there’s only one hour and a half left of prom. where is he? All of a sudden I hear a soft >knock, it’s my mom, she’s trying to comfort me but I block her out.
I’m so glad I had prepared for what to do if this ever happened. you see I have a >gun right here in my hand. The prom is over by now. My family is screaming for me to >open the door. How could he do this to me? I knew he was the most popular guy and >was so cute. How could I let myself fall for someone so impossible to get? Well I no >longer have to deal with this pain I say softly. I’ll just slowly pull this trigger and all my >pains will go away........ BANG!
author: Maureen Harter

This was written for that girl who was shot in Colorado.. I Do not know all the details.. >

It was a day I will never forget, it was the day I died and became a hero at the same >time to so many others. There I was at school, chatting with my girlfriends about our >plans for the Summer. I suddenly heard a bunch of noise, at first I thought something >had exploded but soon I realize it was gun shots. This boy dressed in black started >shooting at me, at all of us! I began to tremble but realized I had to be strong. he must >of spotted me cause he came over to me and pointed the gun at my head. I looked him >straight in his eye and he asked me if I believed in God. I knew if I said yes he’d shoot >em and if I lied he might not. All I could think of was all the kids watching me, I knew >that if I said yes I’d die but if I said no I didn’t think I’d be able to live with myself >afterwards. So I looked him in his eyes and said in a shaky voice yes.. With that he >smiled and the last thing I remember was a big loud gunshot than complete blackness.
author: Maureen Harter


>He helpedin ways he probably will never realize. It was hte first time in my life I had ever really
>acutally thought in depth about suidcide. I was typing sad adn depressing poetry and than his IM
>popped up asking me if I wanted to chat with him. I accpeted because I always do. We talked a
>lil while about stuff that really didn’t matter. We talked about this girl Emily who he really
>liked. It was very sweet. He than asked me for my picture. I gave him it since I decided I could
>trust him. HE told me I was pretty and was a nice person, it was that statement that got me
>through the day. It ment someone out there had faith in me and that maybe if I keep trying my
>life was worth it. Andy, I promised to write you this poem but to be honest it came out more
>like a thank you..... Andy, thank you for maybe just maybe, saving my life.
author: Maureen Harter

Broken Heart Circle

They all love to touch my heart
Then slowly start to tear it apart
It’s not my fault but I take the blame,
Helps me deal with all my pain
What’s wrong with me? I must be cursed
Everyday my life grows worse,
Is it my face, or just me,
Am I a loser could it be Please don’t feel sorry for me I’m just not worth it can’t u see I don’t know what else to do But I sure do wish the best for u I thank u and wish u well My life has gone from good to hell Took few seconds, not much sound Now my heart’s shattered on the ground
I quickly fall to my knees, start to vomit endlessly
No one listens to my pleas, why did she do this to me?
My eyes are all full of tears, getting laughed at by my peers
For me to fully heal takes years.
Pick my heart up off the floor, I feel so empty in my core
I collect every single bit, and slowly start to reform it
Now my heart again is whole, but over time I’ve lost my soul
Meeting another, call her a friend
I don’t know how or even when
But soon my heart is broke again
author: Charboil


You called me a pig
But baby that don’t fit
Do I look like an animal that eats and bathes in shit
Well maybe so
But hey you’ll never know
Cause u don’t know me
U just believe in what u see
I have the nicest sweetest kind of heart
But u never let me show it, u been mean since the start
U called me a psycho and a mental case
But don’t worry honey I’ll put u in ya place
I’ll get back at u for all those things u say
I’ll find u one night in a dark alleyway
Please take me seriously, I don’t never play
I promise you won’t see the light of another day
Visions flowing through my head
As I lay here in my bed
Thinking of all the things u said
I Bet u wish that I was dead
Remember when u called me a loser Last week
And said that I was so stupid and weak
If u must call me a name
Then just call me a freak
author: Charboil
