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Kristina's Poems

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The Unescapable Dream

Death is cool
And I aint thinking about it as a fool
I know it’ll be better than living like now
I dunno how I could stand it…I just dunno how
See the devil in hell
Just waiting to tell.
How he became so red.
And then u hear screaming running through your head.
“Don’t worry. It aint paiful” he says
But u just dunno what he will do…What he has
U start screaming…And running to get out.
But then all u hear is a shout there…shout here.
People shouting everywhere.
Trying to get away from the place that red
But they know they are already dead.
Your heart beats faster…It has no choice.
Then suddenly…Inside…U hear a deep deep voice.
Telling u “I told u you’d go to hell”
And I screaming, “But u didn’t tell!!!”


I tried feeling happy
But I still feel crappy.
How can u hurt me this much?
Well…Now I hope we loose touch.
U treated me bad…. And lied and lied
I guess u ain’t on my side…. U just run off and hide.
Why did u do this to me???
Did u want this to be???
Well….Guess what…..I don’t care no more about u
U are so mean ….and aint true
U don’t how to be cool
U are just another fool.
U gonna get hurt so bad
Because cause of u…. I feel so sad.

Hurting Someone U Love

Ever Hurt someone and don’t know why?
Ever lost touch without saying good-bye?
The feeling aint good and I know why
The pain will still be there…Maybe till u die.
How heart broken I feel inside
With no one with me by my side.
I wanna end this soon
And not just at some time…Like night or noon.
Bad feelings wont go away so fast
They will haunt u and just last and last
Think of the way it would be…
If it was u…not me
Would u like it…or wanna die?
Would u understand it…If not…why?
Things happen for reasons…Some good…Some bad
But some people just won’t understand that.


I thought u were nice
I thought u were cool
But now I know
U are a total fool
U cheated on me
And then lied to me
I guess now you're happy
Being away from me
U said u are sorry
U expected me not to worry
But now it's too late
I lost my u
I know u well
But now I think of a door bell
It wasn't nice
To be treated like this
And now....No one will ever see us kiss....FOREVER


I had a boyfriend
I found out he cheated on me
Who I really liked a lot
And that made me wanna cry
I won't cry cause I'm strong
But I guess I won't be for long
He made me feel really sad
And now I feel so bad
I wish I could tell him how I feel
But, then again, he might think what I say aint real
I wish he could've just told me the truth
Instead of lying and being so rude :-(

The Feeling Of Sadness

U dunno how it feels to be lied to
U think u are so cool
Well...Think about the way u made me feel
When u tell me...She is my girlfriend now
And u ain't there no more
U told me u loved me
U told me u cared
But now I know
U don't even care
I wish I knew
Before I met u
That u are a jerk
And do all wrong
U said u won't lie
But u didn't even try
Ever since we met...
Just think
Of how it makes me feel
Imagine if it was u there
Not me
U wouldn't care then....and.... I wont be there
To take u back


When we were together
U treated me harsh
When we were apart
U became a mirage
I thought u were nice
I thought u were great
But now i know
It's just a mistake
U said u were trying 2to be nice
But did u see me with any other guys?
I didn't cheat on u
Cause i was in love with u
I never thought
U would be like this
I always thought
U meant about the kiss
I guess i was wrong
And all went bad
And now i want u
Out of my life


I aint a wimp like u…I am brave
I don’t even care no more…if it takes me to my grave
This is my dilemma…should I fight u…or should I not…it’s my choice
And…I don’t need no one elses’ reason in voice
U gonna get hurt…And u gonna fall down
With your old ugly face…flat upon the ground
I might have fears….i might have not….there is one fear
When thinking about it…I might even shed a tear
But to the subject we go back on upon
U old witch…who will fall on the lawn
U tried annoying me
And now….i actually see
We aint no friends…u lost U got no place to hide?
Well…guess what…there aint no one no more on your side
U thought u could hurt me so
Well….now your scars and bruises will show

A Fight Worth A Chance

U made me oh so very mad
U made this be one of the worst experiences I ever had
Why do your parents want me in jail?
If I go…who will get me out when paying the bail?
I didn’t do nothing to you until u started not leaving me alone
Now when u call…I don’t even bother picking up the phone
Cause I can’t talk to u no more
U are one weird messed up hore
I warned u once….i warned u twice…now it’s the last time
Don’t cry when I fight u…Don’t whine
I don’t need u to make my life worse than it already is
What did I do…u didn’t do this to no one else…did u mess up his?
No…I guess it is only mine…and now I see u are wack
Well…guess what….now u better WATCH YOUR BACK
Cause if u annoy me one more time
There aint gonna be no more warning…only screaming of pain…just think….one more time
Is it worth it? Or can u avoid this
U think u know everything…u think u a wiz
But now I could see….u are weak….u can’t hurt me
I aint blind….i can see that…I can see
If u think I can’t hurt u so much
Then u just better WATCH YOUR BACK
Consider this a warning…before u get hurt
Cause one more time…and I will fight u…I will throw u into dirt

Afraid In A Bad Moment

I am so afraid of what is going on
Will they listen to me? Or has the other side already won
I wasn't the one who started...i just tried to end
But ruined me big time....i feel like my heart will never mend
I am suspended for all this nonsense....that i didn't wanna be part of in the first place
All this stuff going's just a waste....there aint no ways
I was not the one who started fighting with you
I tried to end it...and look how much now u put me through
I am now suspended....and am in trouble with the cops
My tears are getting harder.....falling in big drops
Why can't u just confess?
U now started such a big mess
I know what i did back is wrong
I know it was stupid....but now i gotta try to be strong
I gotta be tough
Cause u made my life now so rough
Will i go to jail? will the school i go to kick me out
I guess now i can't do anything....nothing will help...there is no point to shout
This experience has scarred me for life.....and forever
I know i was wrong...and so were u....and i never want this to happen again....NEVER

Hateful Life

I hate the life i live right now
I dunno how i could stand it...i just dunno how
Should i put a gun to my head?
Cause I know...i'm already dead
I'm already dead
I'm already dead
U can't hurt me no more
That is why i am doing this for
You hurt me enough
Why do i gotta live so rough?
Why can't life be perfect in it's own way
But just gets worse day to day
I don't care no more about anything going on Cause it looks like the other side already won
I guess hell is the way to go
It is not going up high...but down low
Up in heaven are people different than me
And i don't belong with that crowd...and it looks like that's the way it's gonna be

To Be There Or Afar

When we were together
U treated me harsh
When we were apart
U became a mirage
Now all u do is lie and lie
U tell me things and then say the opposite...why cant u tell me why
Did I do anything to make u mad in any way?
All u just treat me bad day to day
U told me u would come...and be with me all day
But instead...u said u got a new girlfriend and said “good bye....we get my way”
U made me feel so very very mad I’m gonna get u back and make u feel so very bad
U treated me like this so far for 6 months....maybe more
I told u to not talked to me no more....I showed u the door
But instead...U just keep coming back every time u are bored and got nothing to do get no more chances after what u put me through
U told me u were gonna be nice from the start
But then....u made us just become father and farther apart
If u gonna keep on being like that every time to me
Why do u keep coming back...Why can't u just leave the way it's coming out to be
If u wanna be together....why can't u treat me right not wrong
I tried being there for u when u needed me...I tried being strong
But when I needed u...u were away wit some girl...telling me lies how u loved me and all
When I’m with feels like I’m talking in an empty hall
U don't listen to me or try to comfort me ever
Well now....I aint gonna give u no more chances...I aint never


Looking into the dark...I feel pain....bigger than seen
I always ask r have u been
But instead....u made it be like a sin
Did u wanna punish me for something I’ve done?
What did I do to u...What have u won???
U told me u were gonna come this week
But...I guess.... U just made it into a trick
U told me that your girl said u can't go
I am hurt bad now but the feelings I try not to show
U lied to me cause I know u don't have a girl or nothing...not even a baseball game
U lied to me just not to be here...u are so lame
U told me u would love to come...just to see the site of my face
U told me u didn't care about my age....not even my race
U said that u hope we will be together again
U said u hope to see me and that would help u with the love for me that u gained
I guess u lied
And u made me feel so bad but I have not cried
Why can’t u just leave me alone forever Cause looks now I wanna see u NEVER
