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$375.00 (includes shipping and handling)
Wyoming jade (Old jade - nephrite)
The Sound of Stings
F. Davies Instrument Mfg.
Nephrite was the form of jade that was first introduced
to Europe from the new world.
Jade is considered to be a "good luck" stone. It is a semi-precious stone with a hardness range of 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs' scale, (with 1 being the softest and 10 being the hardest.)
Our jade is from Wyoming, and is composed of the mineral nephrite, which is a lime-magnesium-aluminum silicate. Wyoming has the largest deposits in the United States.
I use the darkest of green with tiny gold colored flakes for nuts.
Perfect cleavage in 2 directions at 60 and 120 degrees
Uneven/splintery fracture (Like ox bone except much harder.)
Vitreous luster (Looks real good!
It forms as a massive, but can also be very fibrous. It was
used to make stone tools because of its strength. Jade is tougher than steel.
The job of a nut is to hold the string.
Jade was simply the best material I could find.
Its beauty is secondary to its function.
A single piece of Jade was once traded for 15 cities in China.
Cortez, was told that a piece of jade was worth a chest of gold.
You have all heard of tone-wood,
now you know of tone-stone too.