Customer Services Manager responsible for proofreading, the layout of display and classified advertising, training and supervising staff in the production of Yellow Pages directories for South Australian metropolitan and country directories and the Papua New Guinea White and Yellow Pages. Close liaison with Telecom Australia and customers to resolve problems arising from errors in the directories after publication. News presenting with two prominent Adelaide radio stations, voiceovers for radio and television commercials, documentaries, and live television appearances as a presenter promoting client products as well as live appearances in television commercials, documentaries, film and mini series. Live in-store appearances promoting a variety of products. The first woman in Australia to put a business on the Internet producing sound and voices for use on homepages, telephone answering machines and sundry other purposes using Creative Wave Studio and Cool Edit. EXPERIENCE 1999 – 2000 Returned to Australia in November 1999 due to a death in the family and am now unable to return to the United States for two and a half years. During the time I have been back in Australia, I have designed a Website for a major Funeral Director in Adelaide, South Australia. The site is a work in progress and final authorization for it to go public has not yet been received, however it may be viewed here A “Gallery” of graphic samples is now available hereand time has been spent focusing on honing my html and graphics skills and establishing FoJoMedia in South Australia. 1984 - 1998 Established and registered Makin' Waves Studio and traveled to Austin Texas to advance my IT skills and promote my company. HOLT, RINEHART & WINSTON Narrated a story, The Demon Lover, and a poem for use on an educational multimedia CD. THE PRODUCTION BLOCKConsulted on a script for a pilot project for Stirling Shepherd of Dallas. The project involved reading 146 telephone on-hold messages for an Australian bank necessitating careful editing of the script for "language" discrepancies. KUT UNIVERSITY RADIOPre-recorded two news articles for broadcast on the radio station - tape available. KJFK 98.9FMContracted as a Radio Marketing Consultant, responsible for putting together marketing strategies for clients, researching specific market areas for clients to ensure a sound knowledge base from which to operate, copywriting, and voicing commercials. Completed a course in Radio Marketing with the Radio Advertising Bureau. CAESY EDUCATION SYSTEMSVoiced an Interactive Patient Educational DVD for distribution primarily in Australia. The production included character voices as well as straight dialogue. ABC RADIO NEWS Position involved paneling and reading news bulletins which were broadcast statewide through various regional stations who took the broadcasts at different times to fit their programming schedules, so timing was of the essence. ADS7 Presented client products on a live magazine style television program. RADIO STATION 5DNGuest appearances in a radio program called The Golden Days of Radio talking about the early days of radio in Australia ... methodologies and personalities. RADIO STATION 5EBI(Dedicated to broadcasting to a broad ethnic community) Researched and found International news stories from local newspapers and edited them for broadcast. Read the midday news bulletin a major part of which was to ensure perfect pronunciation of all foreign words and names. TELEMALL COMMUNICATIONSNine years being on call doing voiceovers for telephone messages on hold with all scripts being read sight unseen and the necessity for accuracy in a very tight production schedule. Reference available. SPOTLIGHT CASTINGRegistered with the agency and performed in many radio and television commercials, documentaries, films (including Shine), and mini-series. Some involved just voicing whilst others were 100%. A detailed list is available if required. VAUGHAN HARVEY RADIO SCHOOL12 months personalized voice training with Vaughan Harvey - Adelaide's premier radio broadcasting school. 1977 - 1984 YELLOW PAGES Customer Services Manager responsible for proofreading both classified and display advertisements in the Adelaide Telephone Directory, four country directories and the Papua New Guinea Telephone Directory, both White and Yellow Pages. Trained and supervised four staff members and maintained close liaison with both the printing contractor and Telecom Australia to ensure that all advertising content fell with their strict guidelines, and that print deadlines were met. Customer liaison post publication to give assistance where errors had occurred and negotiated with Telecom Australia to remedy the problem. Also oversaw the conversion from hot metal printing to computer printing. |