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What Is Least Cost Routing?

No one phone carrier can offer you the best rate on every call you place. Some carriers have great rates for a specific region of the country, but charge a premium on calls outside that region. Some carriers have terrific rates within your country, but charge too much for international calls. Carriers subsidize their low rates with higher rates for certain calls. It all adds up to high telephone bills.

With MediaCom, you're not limited to one carrier. Instead, MediaCom products automatically select the lowest cost carrier for each call you place. It's called Least Cost Routing, and it will save you a bundle!

MediaCom negotiates with dozens of carriers nationally and internationally to find the best rates on all types of calls. We make these rates available to our customers through our phone rate database. You just install your MediaCom product and use your phone the way you always have. There are no complex rate plans to decipher and no special dialing prefixes to remember.

Here's how it works.

Each time you place a call, the PhoneMiser technology instantly searches the rate database to find the best carrier for that particular call. Then, your call is placed with that carrier, saving you money every time you pick up the phone. The search takes less than one second, so there's no noticeable delay. The rates database is automatically updated every month, so the savings continue, month after month, year after year.

More Ways to Save

Most phone carriers bill by the minute, so even if you talk for just a few seconds, you still pay for a full minute. MediaCom products only use carriers who bill in six-second increments or less. This feature alone will typically save you 15% off your monthly phone bill.


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