Latin Name
Cuscuta chinensis
General Description
A common parasitic growth on plants, cuscuta yields grayish yellow seeds, also known as
Chinese dodder seeds, that have medicinal effects. Among other uses, they are prescribed
to prevent miscarriages. The seeds are considered to have sweet, acrid and neutral
characteristics in traditional Chinese medicine.
Target Ailments
Taken internally for:
Cuscuta seeds are available in bulk from Chinese pharmacies, Asian markets and some
Western health food stores.
Combinations: Practitioners recommend a mix of cuscuta seeds, psoralea fruit and
eucommia bark for premature ejaculation. A preparation of cuscuta and astragalus seeds
(Astragalus complanatus) may help blurred vision, dizziness and tinnitus. And a
mixture of cuscuta, Japanese teasel root, mulberry mistletoe stems and eucommia bark is
often prescribed to prevent threatened miscarriages. Check with a Chinese medicine
practitioner for further combinations and doses.
Special Information