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A fever is an elevation of body temperature often indicating an infection. Fever is nature’s alarm bell. It is actually a natural defense system against harmful invaders and, where possible, should be allowed to run its course. In our mistaken fear and ignorance, we often run for the Tylenol or aspirin to bring down the fever the moment it rises above normal. Of course, high temperature (102 degrees or over) indicates your body needs help in overthrowing the infection in your system. We would do well, however, to listen to the ancient physicians when they tell us they regarded a fever as a healing agent. The fever actually burns up the toxins. Normal body temperature ranges from 98 degrees to 99 degrees F. Consult your doctor immediately if the temperature is over 101 degrees F.

If unchecked, fever can cause brain injury and dehydration. A fever is not a disease. It is a symptom of the presence of a disease. Running an elevation of temperature at times may be helpful to the body. This defense mechanism acts to destroy foreign microbes. If the fever does not get too high, you may elect to let it run its course, helping to eliminate toxins.


Vitamin A: Take 50,000 IU daily in pill form for 1 week, then lower to 25,000 IU. Children over 2 years of age should take 1,000-10,000 IU daily. Or you may use as directed on the label in emulsion form. The vitamin A enters the system quicker and is essential in immune system function. Needed to fight infection and to strengthen the immune system.

Protein Supplement, (free form amino acids) taken three times daily on an empty stomach. Free form amino acids are a readily absorbed form of protein that helps repair tissue damaged during the fever.

Vitamin C, taken as directed on the label.


Garlic capsules: Take 2 capsules 3 times a day. Odorless garlic that acts as a natural antibiotic and powerful immunostimulant.

Royal Jelly, 3 times a day, has antifungal properties and improves adrenal function.


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Lobelia extract or tincture will help lower the fever if given half a teaspoon every four hours. If an upset stomach occurs, cut back to a quarter teaspoon.

A poultice can be made from echinacea root which will lower fever. (It is best to grind the herbs to a powdered or granulated form. Add water until the mixture is the consistency of a thick paste. If using a granulated form, add a small amount of ground flaxseed or cornmeal and mix until the consistency of thick paste. Spread this paste on a piece of fresh white cotton so that it is a quarter inch thick, and cover the chest area completely. Place a towel over the poultice to prevent heat loss. If you choose fresh herbs for the poultice, simmer two ounces of the herb in half a pint of water for approximately two minutes. Do not drain. Pour the entire mixture into a cheesecloth. It is best to cleanse the area first with hydrogen peroxide before applying the poultice. Apply the herb poultice directly to the chest area, making sure that it covers completely. A second layer should be added to retain heat. Do not reheat a poultice and reuse. When poultice has cooled, remove and discard. Wash the skin thoroughly).


Sage Shepherd’s purse
Sumac berries
Sweet balm

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