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Latin Name
Commiphora molmol

General Description
Myrrh is a pale-yellow oil found in the bark of several species of shrubs native to northeast Africa and Arabia. The oil hardens into teardrop-shaped nuggets, called gum resin, which is powdered to make the healing herb. Myrrh fights infection by stimulating production of white blood cells and by a direct antibacterial action. This herb was used in biblical times for embalming, making perfume, and repelling insects and is still used as a fragrance in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes.

Target Ailments

Over the counter:
Myrrh is available as a tincture and as an ingredient in commercial toothpastes. A powdered herb is made from the resin.

At home:
Mouthwash: 1 tsp. powdered herb and 1 tsp. boric acid steeped in 1 pint boiling water, and allowed to stand 30 minutes and then strained, and then cooled.
Tea: 1 to 2 tsp. powdered herb per cup of boiling water steeped for 10 to 15 minutes.
Combinations: With distilled witch hazel, applied externally.

Special Information