******************************************************** There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, There are thousands to prophesy failure; There are thousands to point out to you one by one, The dangers that wait to assail you. But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, Just take off your coat and go to it; Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing That "cannot be done", and you'll do it. - Edgar A. Guest (Poet) * * * * * The American Cancer Society offers three new research scholar awards: Research Scholar Grants for Beginning Investigators(up to $250,000 per year for four years), Research Scholar Grants for Health Services or Health Policy and Health Outcomes Research (up to $250,000 per year for four years) and Research Scholar Grants for Psychosocial and Behavioral Research (up to $500,000 per year for five years; preference given to pairs of senior and junior researchers). Application deadline: Oct. 15. Contact: American Cancer Society, (404) 329-7558; email: Web site: * * * * * Mark October 5 on your calendar for the 2000 National Depression Screening Day. Register by August 1 to host a screening site. Last year, more than 100,000 people attended the annual event, held at more than 4,000 screening sites across the country. The National Depression Screening Day organizers provide participating sites with implementation instructions, publicity ideas, and the necessary educational and screening materials. The participating sites handle local publicity and provide the professionals to conduct the educational and screening components. For more information and registration materials, write the National Depression Screening Day, One Washington St., Suite 304, Wellesley Hills, MA 02181-1706 or Phone: (781)239-0071. * * * * * China Cultural Tour Information ******************************************************** PROVIDING HELP FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES FOLLOWING DISASTERS - Part II 1. Loss, Death and Mourning It is not unusual for a disaster, particularly a major disaster in which there has been loss of life, to trigger children's questions about death and dying. The fear of the loss of mother or father underlies many of the questions and symptoms a child may develop, such as sleeplessness, night terrors, clinging behavior and others. Often, when loss has occurred, the children's problems are overlooked. No one assists them in handling their reactions to the loss. When a mother or father dies, most children are fearful of what will happen to them if the remaining parent dies as well. Being told that adults will look after them is very reassuring. The children should be encouraged to voice their questions. The adults should be as honest as they can be with their answers. For example, questions about what happens to a person after death can be answered with the statement that the wisest men and women through the ages have tried to answer this question. However, there is no sure answer. Explanations dealing with heaven and hell, or afterlife, or the flat statement that after death there is nothing are confusing to a child. It is not uncommon for children to make believe that the deceased parent is still alive. They may call the remaining parent or family a liar and deny their parent's death. Some children may go back and forth between believing and not believing that the parent has died and may ask such questions as "When is Daddy coming home from being dead?" or "I know Mommy's dead, but when is she going to make my supper?" Young children may not realize that there is no return from death - not even for a moment. Although many of the same issues that adults struggle with in coming to terms with death are also found in children's struggles. Magical thinking is more prevalent in childhood. Most children, when they are very young, believe that wishing for, or thinking about, something can make it happen. Children who have had angry thoughts or death wishes toward the parent (as most children have at one time or another) need to be reassured that these thoughts did not cause something to happen. Children may believe that fighting with a sibling can cause a parent's death and that ceasing to fight will prevent the other parent from dying. They need reassurance that the parent's or family member's death was not their fault, that it was caused by an accident or illness. It is comforting to be told that there are some things they cannot control, such as parents getting sick or having an accident or dying. These can be contrasted with things they can control, such as the games they play, whether or not they play fairly, whether or not they do their chores and homework. Bothe child and family may suffer loss of pets, property, valuables, and treasured sentimental objects. Such losses may have as much impact on them as the loss of a loved one. A mourning process can be anticipated. When family treasures or sentimental objects are still available, they can be helpful to the mourners. They often provide something tangible as a security object. Families in disaster frequently turn to the ruins to retrieve what seem like valueless objects. This is understandable because mourning pertains to the loss of home and objects as well as to loss of loved ones. Workers need to know that mourning has a purpose and that crying by both a child and an adult is helpful. A child needs to be aware that thoughts about the dead person are likely to come to mind over and over. Forgetting takes time and overt mourning helps the integrate the loss more quickly. The family that expresses concern and annoyance at a child who asks the same questions about death over and over again needs to understand that this is the child's way of adapting to the loss. 2. Suicidal Ideation Threats or attempts to injure or kill oneself in latency- age children and younger are rare. However, they are not uncommon among adolescents. Any indication of suicidal feelings must be taken seriously. The most frequent motivation is loss of close family, a sweetheart, and of significant objects such as pets, instruments, or a car. Even loss of the opportunity to participate in team sports for the year may bring on serious depression. Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness are strong indicators of suicide potential, expressed verbally or nonverbally through behavioral signs - withdrawal, asocial behavior, loss of interest, apathy, and agitation; physical symptoms - sleep and appetite disturbance; and cognitive process changes - loss of alternatives, poor judgment, and reasoning ability. Evidence of caring and concern are the most immediate, effective elements of help which can be provided by all workers. Generally, however, any person with suicidal ideation should be referred to professional help. 3. Confusion A trouble sign that requires immediate attention, confusion implies a deep-seated disturbance which also probably requires referral to a mental health professional. Confusion generally refers to a disorientation in which the young person has lost the ability to sort out incoming stimuli, whether sensory or cognitive. As a result he/she is overwhelmed by a profusion of feelings and thoughts. Associations with familiar objects may be distorted or disappear, regressive behavior may reappear, and feelings displayed may be inappropriate for the occasion. In extreme cases, immobilization or uncontrolled movement may occur. The mental health professional can begin the process of helping to reorient the children by talking to them calmly, by providing them with specific information, and by being caring and understanding. 4. Antisocial Behavior Behavior problems - group delinquency, vandalism, stealing, and aggressiveness - have been reported in some communities following a disaster. These behaviors may be a reaction of an adolescent with low self-esteem to community disruption. A major problem for the adolescents is the boredom and isolation from peers which comes from disruption of their usual activities in school and on the playground. One way to counteract this is to involve adolescents and their peers, under adult direction, in clean-up activities which may be therapeutic to the teenagers and beneficial to the community. The adolescents also serve as an excellent resource for helping elderly people and babysitting for families. It should be remembered, however, that young people of this age have difficulty expressing their fears and anxieties, lest they seem less competent to their peers and themselves. The use of peer rap groups, in which teens can talk about their disaster experiences and ventilate feelings, is helpful in relieving buried anxieties. A "natural" setting for these rap groups, such as school, work or task sites, or wherever teenagers congregate, is desirable. Training teenagers to lead their own rap groups should be considered. Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders and teachers are natural leaders/ trainers. CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Two groups of children with special needs are briefly discussed below: those with prior developmental or physical problems; and those who have been injured or become ill as a result of the disaster. Both require more intensive attention in a disaster than normal or less seriously affected children. 1. The Exceptional Children Exceptional children are defined as those who have developmental disabilities or physical limitations, such as blindness, hearing impairment, orthopedic handicaps, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, etc. Exceptional children have special needs that require consideration when a disaster occurs. Disasters and their periods of disruption bring additional burdens upon the parents of exceptional children. These parents have problems just in coping with their children's needs on a day-to-day basis. The emotional needs of exceptional children are very likely to be exacerbated by a disaster of any magnitude. Most exceptional children live in their own homes and receive assistance from community agencies. The agencies, part of the network of human services in the community, may need to be alerted to the special needs of the children in home settings. Exceptional children find it more difficult to function when their usual home environment is damaged or if they are moved to strange surroundings. Helping such children to understand what has occurred requires heightened sensitivity. Generally, it would be desirable to have professionals who normally are in contact with the children assist in providing help. The professionals are able to locate and identify the children in the community and determine what special services they need, such as schooling or medical care. Exceptional children depend to a greater extent than other children on the consistency and predictabiltiy of their environment and the people around them. Familiarity with their surroundings is particularly important to mentally retarded children, who tend to become confused and agitated by traumatic events. One reaction is increased levels of clinging behavior. Parents of these children may need the short-term support of the crisis worker. For example, parents would be helped by learning that their children have greater need for reassurance so that they can anticipate and be tolerant of the increased demands. The parents would also benefit from a crisis group with other parents of exceptional childre. Special education teachers can be a source of assistance for the children. In as much as they are persons familiar to the families and children, they can be very effective in assisting both. Planning in advance for the needs of children in residential settings, such as treatment centers for mentally ill, mentally retarded, or physically handicapped children, and for day programs for children, such as childcare centers and schools, should have high priority. These agencies should all have their own plans that include staff deployment, evacuation to alternate settings, and ways to contact and inform families of the well-being and location of their children. 2. The Injured or Ill Children Like any children who undergo medical procedures, children who have been physically injured in a disaster or who have become ill and have been brought to the hospital or the doctor's office will be less traumatized by the injury if the medical procedures that are about to occur are explained to them. In most up-to-date hospitals this is part of the hospital routine. Consultants can inquire about the local hospital and professional associations and involve them in crisis planning. Every effort should be made to have a member of the immediate family remain with the child during hospital stays and to be present when the child receives medical care. This is reassuring to the family and to the child. ********************************************************* For further information in books and self-help books on this topic, go to the following and use the search engine to look for books, etc. in this area. Start by using descriptors such as Children and Grief, Death, Losses, Disaster Mental Health, Mourning, Exceptional Children, child behavior problems and disasters, suicide, illness, injuries in disasters, etc. ********************************************************* ********************************************************* Contact your local Mental Health Center or check the yellow pages for counselors, psychologists, therapists, and other Mental health Professionals in your area for further information. *********************************************************