Click here to check out my resume
Hello, I designed this page to tell you a little bit about myself. I am 22 years of age. I was just recently in Springfield, MO pursuing a master degree in business at Southwest Missouri State University. My undergrad major was Finance and my minor was Computer Science/Information Systems. I am single and I am currently working for Wal-Mart in Marion, ILL as a Assistant Store Manager. Before working for Wal-Mart, I worked at K's Merchandis in Cape Girardeau, MO. See Resume if you want more history.
I love to play tennis, baskettball, swimming, and vollyball. However, I rarely watch any games. I do like to watch hockey or football. I love to water ski. I love to pirate computer games that I will hopefully get around to play someday! I like alternative,pop,and some heavy metal/hard rock songs.
However, my life goes on its usual pace. What I mean is that everything I do is so unexpected. I can hardly get myself or even other to people to stick to the game plan. I hope someday that I will be rich. Why? Because eventhough money isn't everything, it can still satisfy my needs to some extent.
I know money doesnt mean much w/o friends, so my advice is to be fruitful and you will be bless and rewarded.
Yeah Right! hehe
This is me in action!!!!!! Lightning fast uh!!
My senior picture!!!! How do I look?? I assure you I have not aged a day. I still get carded at the movie theatre.
Meets some friends of mine from High School!
Go to High School
I have taken this link offline do add some updates to it.
Here are a list of the courses that I am taking this semester and their webpages if the course has one.
I am not currently taking any courses this semester. However, I plan on resuming my pursuit of an MBA in the fall. Only 21 hours to go. Then, I think I will get a new job. Why? you ask? Well, its simple money talks and I prolly get ask once a week "Why are you working for Wal-Mart? Why don't you go and work at a bank or something." I swear I get asked that once a week by somebody. I usually say well I need the experience.
If you would like to know what or who you were in your last past life click here to find out!
Hey, I bet you don't know how old you are in dog years!! So click here to find out!
If you would like your page added to this "long" list, send an e-mail to webmaster Phil. By the way, You are using Netscape. Click here if you would like to know what else I can see on your computer
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Last updated on 06/22/2002.