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(Imported by RTX)
See below for links to large color photos of all models


These Mini's are fun for Mom, Dad and the whole family. They are affectionately known as "Paddock Monkeys" or "Monkey Bikes" as they are found in the pits at races, as well as being very popular on farms and campgrounds for "monkeying around".

With the exception of the "Trials Start", all other models are built for all ages from small children to the average adult. The "Trials Start" is meant as a first bike for the young "Trials" enthusiast from 6 to 12 yrs old.

These sturdy little bikes are as much fun for the family as they are easy to ride and will provide years of enjoyment with very little maintenance. Why buy someone else's old fix-er-up when you can buy a brand new "Tokoya" at a great price. Depending upon dealer location, shipping charges, etc, most models can be purchased for not much more than a used bike.

Check out the pictures on the following pages then contact us for the name of the dealer nearest you. Better yet, contact us for your free brochure.


For other minibike information from the NEW IMBA ( International Minibike Assn ),

click here: