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Game Genie Codes


Random abilities in battle - BBB-BBB

Press A to fly to the nearest Pokemon Center without a bird or badge - B34-5EF

Cool music - 156-DCA

Everything missing (houses, grass fences, etc.) -15A-32F

Coins for $10 - 3B4-44D-F7A

PP UPs for free -4F4-44D-F7A

Rare candy for $4, 800 ( go to viridian shop) - 2A4-44D-F7A

Buy Master Balls at Cinnabar island for free - 014-BBD-E62

To get Mew and MissingNo. go to the field west of Cerulian city

Mew in Red version - 151-91A-7FC

Mew in Blue version - 151-93A-F7E

MissingNo. in both - 791-91A-7FC

Pokédollar code - 996-11B-E6A

001-23C-2AE- Start a new game and meet Oak, and this is WEIRD.


POKéMON 20/12/98 04:34 Created By KILLER3, These codes ALL work as I have created and retested myself. Any questions or inquires please e-mail me or visit my site These ONLY work on game genie! Items(when code entered) appears in City Store, 3rd slot in that store. VIRIDIAN CITY= xx4-46D-D56 if does work try xx4-46D PEWTER CITY= xx4-4DD-91E if does work try xx4-4DD VERMILION CITY= xx4-65D-D5E if does work try xx4-65D CERULEAN CITY= xx4-57D-912 if does work try xx4-57D CINNIBAR ISLAND= xx4-BDD-A22 if does work try xx4-BDD xx= replace this with one of the below 01=MASTER BALL - $0 02=ULTRA BALL - $1200 03=GREAT BALL - $600 04=POKéBALL - $200 05=TOWN MAP - $0 06=BICYCLE - $0 07=????? - $0 08=SAFARI BALL - $1000 09=POKéDEX - $0 0A=MOON STONE - $0 0B=ANTIDOTE - $100 0C=BURN HEAL - $250 0D=ICE HEAL - $ 0E=AWAKENING - $ 0F=PARLYZ HEAL - $ 10=FULL RESTORE - $ 11=MAX POTION - $ 12=HYPER POTION - $ 13=SUPER POTION - $ 14=POTION - $ 15=BOULBERBADGE - $0 16=CASCADEBADGE - $0 17=THUNDEBADGE - $0 18=RAINBOWBADGE - $0 19=SOULBADGE - $0 1A=MARSHBADGE - $0 1B=VOLCANOBADGE - $0 1C=EARTHBADGE - $0 1D=ESCAPE ROPE - $ 1E=REPEL - $ 1F=OLD AMBER - $0 20=FIRE SOTNE - $2100 21=THUNDER STONE - $2100 22=WATER STONE - $2100 23=HP UP - $9800 24=PROTEIN - $9800 25=IRON - $9800 26=CARBOS - $9800 27=CALCIUM - $9800 28=RARE CANDY - $4800 29=DOME FOSSIL - $0 2A=HELIX FOSSIL - $0 2B=SECRET KEY - $0 2C=????? - $0 2D=BIKE VOUCHER - $0 2E=X ACCURACY - $950 2F=LEAF STONE - $2100 30=CARD KEY - $0 31=NUGGET - $10000 32=PP UP - $0 33=POKé DOLL - $1000 34=FULL HEAL - $600 35=REVIVE - $1500 36=MAX REVIVE - $4000 37=GUARD SPEC. - $700 38=SUPER REPEL - $500 39=MAX REPEL - $700 3A=DIRE HIT - $650 3B=COIN - $10 3C=FRESH WATER - $200 3D=SODA POP - $300 3E=LEMONADE - $350 3F=S.S TICKET - $0 40=GOLD TEETH - $0 41=X ATTACK - $500 42=X DEFEND - $550 43=X SPEED - $350 44=X SPECIAL - $350 45=COIN CASE - $0 46=OAK'S PARCEL - $0 47=ITEMFINDER - $0 48=SILPH SCOPE - $0 49=POKé FLUTE - $0 4A=LIFT KEY - $0 4B=EXP.ALL - $0 4C=OLD ROD - $0 4D=GOOD ROD - $0 4E=SUPER ROD - $0 4F=PP UP - $0 50=ETHER - $0 51=MAX ETHER - $0 52=ELIXER - $0 53=MAX ELIXER - $0 54 - C3=NOTHING C4=HM01 - CUT C5=HM02 - FLY C6=HM03 - SURF C7=HM04 - STRENGTH C8=HM05 - FLASH C9=TM01 - MEGA PUNCH CA=TM02 - RAZOR WIND CB=TM03 - SWORDS DANCE CC=TM04 - WHIRLWIND CD=TM05 - MEGA KICK CE=TM06 - TOXIC CF=TM07 - HORN DRILL D0=TM08 - BODY SLAM D1=TM09 - TAKE DOWN D2=TM10 - DOUBLE-EDGE D3=TM11 - BUBBLEBEAM D4=TM12 - WATER GUN D5=TM13 - ICE BEAM D6=TM14 - BLIZZARD D7=TM15 - HYPER BEAM D8=TM16 - PAY DAY D9=TM17 - SUBMISSION DA=TM18 - COUNTER DB=TM19 - SEISMIC TOSS DC=TM20 - RAGE DD=TM21 - MEGA DRAIN DE=TM22 - SOLAR BEAM DF=TM23 - DRAGON RAGE E0=TM24 - THUNDERBOLT E1=TM25 - THUNDER E2=TM26 - EARTHQUAKE E3=TM27 - FISSURE E4=TM28 - DIG E5=TM29 - PSYCHIC E6=TM30 - TELEPORT E7=TM31 - MIMIC E8=TM32 - DOUBLE TEAM E9=TM33 - REFLECT EA=TM34 - BIDE EB=TM35 - METRONOME EC=TM36 - SELFDESTRUCT ED=TM37 - EGG BOMB EE=TM38 - FIRE BLAST EF=TM39 - SWIFT F0=TM40 - SKULL BASH F1=TM41 - SOFTBOILED F2=TM42 - DREAM EATER F3=TM43 - SKY ATTACK F4=TM44 - REST F5=TM45 - THUNDER WAVE F6=TM46 - PSYWAVE F7=TM47 - EXPLOSION F8=TM48 - ROCK SLIDE F9=TM49 - TRI ATTACK FA=TM50 - SUBSTITUTE FB=TM51 - CUT FC=TM52 - FLY FD=TM53 - SURF FE=TM54 - STRENGH FF=TM55 - FLASH eg, If I wanted to buy a Master Ball in PEWTER CITY I would type: 014-4DD-91E or 014-4DD To get Mew- Game Genie Code: 151-91A-7FC 151-93A-F7E B91-9BA-6EB With this code you can find Mew in the tall grass patch to the LEFT of Cerulean by the ledges.

Fight any PokéMon
For the Red Version Master Code

xx1-91A-F7C + xx1-93A-7FE + xx1-9BA-5DB

For the Blue Version Master Code

xx1-91A-F7C + xx1-93A-7FE + xx1-9BA-6EB

To understand the code just type in the numbers and/or letters (listed to the left of the Pokemon's name below) of the pokemon you want in the “xx” space listed above. Then go to Cerulean city and go west until you get to a grassy field. Walk around and after a couple of fights you will fight the pokemon you selected.

Note: all pokemon you fight this way are level 10.

99 Bulbasaur / 09 Ivysaur / 9A Venusaur / B0 Charmander / B2 Charmeleon / B4 Charizard B1 Squirtle / B3 Wartortle / 1C Blastoise / 7B Caterpie / 7C Metapod / 7D Butterfree 70 Weedle / 71 Kakuna / 72 Beedrill / 24 Pidgey / 96 Pidgeotto / 97 Pidgeot / A5 Rattata A6 Raticate / 05 Spearow / 23 Frearow / 6C Ekans / 2D Arbok / 54 Pikachu / 55 Raichu 60 Sandshrew / 61 Sandslash / 0F Nidoran(F) / A8 Nindorina / 10 NidoQueen / 03 Nidoran(M) A7 Nindorino / 07 NidoKing / 04 Clefairy / 8E Clefable / 52 Vulpix / 53 Ninetales 64 Jigglypuff / 65 Wigglytuff / 6B Zubat / 82 Golbat / B9 Oddish / BA Gloom BB Vileplume / 6D Paras / 2E Parasect / 41 Venonat / 77 Venomoth / 3B Diglett 76 Dugtrios / 4D Meowth / 90 Persian / 2F Psyduck / 80 Goldduck / 39 Mankey / 75 Primeape 21 Growlithe / 14 Arcaninel / 47 Poliwag / 6E Poliwhirl / 6F Poliwrath / 94 Abra / 26 Kadabra 95 Alakazam / 6A Machop / 29 Machoke / 7E Machamp / BC Bellsprout / BD Weepinbell BE Victreebell / 18 Tentacool / 9B Tentacruel / A9 Geodude / 27 Graveler / 31 Golem A3 Ponyta / A4 Rapidash / 25 Slowpoke / 08 Slobro / AD Magnemite / 36 Magneton 40 Farfetch'd / 46 Doduo / 74 Dotrio / 3A Seel / 78 Dewgong / 0D Grimer / 88 Muk 17 Shellder / 8B Cloyster / 19 Gastly / 93 Haunter / 0E Gengar / 22 Onix / 30 Drowzee 81 Hypno / 4E Krabby / 8A Kingler / 06 Voltorb / 8D Electrode / 0C Exeggcute 0A Exeggutor / 11 Cubone / 91 Marowak / 2B Hitmonlee / 2C Hitmonchan / 0B Lickitung 37 Koffing / 8F Weezing / 12 Rhyhorn / 01 Rhydon / 28 Chansey / 1E Tangela 02 Kangaskhan / 5C HorSea / 5D SeaDra / 9D Goldeen / 9E Seaking / 1B Staryu / 98 Starmie 2A Mr. Mime / 1A Scyther / 48 Jynx / 35 Electabuzz / 33 Magmar / 1D Pinsir 3C Tauros / 85 Magikarp / 16 Gyarados / 13 Lapras / 4C Ditto / 66 Eevee / 69 Vaporeon 68 Jolteon / 67 Flareon / AA Porygon / 62 Omanyte / 63 Omastar / 5A Kabuto / 5B Kabutops AB Aerodactyl / 84 Snorlax / 4A Articuno / 4B Zapdos / 49 Moltres / 58 Dratini 59 Dragonair / 42 Dragonite / 83 Mewtwo / 15 Mew