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Nathan Miller

"My name is Nathan Glen Miller and I was born on September 3, 1983. I began playing with Liesl in 1999 as a lead vocalist. Back then I only wrote melodies and lyrics, and the other guys, particularly our former guitarist Evan, wrote the music. We were sort of a hard rock Christian group and I wrote very bad lyrics which I sang very badly. We had a lot of fun, but not much of anything else.

When Evan graduated from high school in 2001 and moved away, the band kind of got an overhaul. I began playing guitar in gigs seriously for the first time, much to my own dismay. Also, we didn't feel comfortable continuing to use Evan's songs, so I began to teach the guys some songs that I had been writing all along that were better-suited to my voice. The new style was noticably more tame... and because I am nowhere near the guitarist that Evan is, the music was and is technically less difficult, but in most ways just as good. Anyway, it suited me better, and since the vocalist pretty much makes or breaks a band, our overall sound improved greatly.

Over the next year or so, I wrote and co-wrote around 12 songs which became the band's staple set list, and from these we selected six for two different private recording sessions. If the band ever takes off, it is my personal ambition to write music, and thereby, albums, that are cherished in the ranks of Abbey Road, Revolver, OK Computer, Pet Sounds, Pinkerton (that's a Weezer album and all you out there need to buy it... but be warned it contains a little swearing), and the fantastic new Silverchair album Diorama.

My biggest musical influences are the Beatles, Radiohead, Silverchair (Diorama era), Dashboard Confessional, Jars of Clay, Switchfoot, Weezer, Rich Mullins, Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwyn, the Beatles, the Beach Boys, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Kermit the Frog, and the Beatles.

My greatest love on this earth is writing songs, and my greatest ambition is to glorify God writing them, and my dearest hope is that He will give me the opportunity to do so. But if He'd rather send me to New York to write Broadway musicals, I won't complain..."

I took this one myself.Everyone says this is a bad picture of me, so this is to spite those people.  Specifically, everyone.

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