The Next Coming of the Christ
Steffan M. Bertsch

The hopeful wait with anticipation
The next arrival of the Christed One,
But will they have full appreciation
When Holiness appears and makes Its run.

The pious exclaim, with Him they'll fight!
They'll battle until the war's been won.
Remember well their grand offers of might,
Cause most will mock Him, in spite and for fun.

What? You say, this surely cannot be true.
Who'd dare to ridicule the Christed One.
As surely as the sky of earth is blue,
Again will they reject God's Truthful Son.

Now, will you know Him when He does appear,
Accept His message and His battle Plan,
Assist Him in His Father's war with cheer,
Or, hate and kill him for Mammon again.

"The Christ, The Christ, it's Him we will follow,"
Or so you say, and loudly do you shout.
But Mammon's lies are what you all swallow,
And, the Christed One is who you will doubt.

History proved this, and now will repeat,
When the goats and sheep are torn asunder,
And great is the flock licking at Mammon's feet,
As that vile lot falls from the True God's Thunder.

Which side is yours for this altercation,
Will you know Mammon from the Christed One.
Do you trust your foolish speculation.
Or, worse, another's evaluation.

The Church, The Church, it will the Truth declare.
Remember the repeats of our history,
Priests, hating Christ, planned a sordid affair,
They mocked, then murdered the True Father's Glory.

When Christ comes again, will this be replayed.
Or will the Church elect to make us all free.
Will it admit to Mammon has it prayed,
And stole our money through five-oh-one-see-three.

Or will the Church cling still to its Mammon,
Thereby leading us all blindly astray.
Subject us to a spiritual famine,
Make us goats with it on the Judgment Day.

The rich and powerful have much to lose,
So blindly will they all stick to their lot,
Ignoring Christ, refusing Him to choose,
For Mammon will their battles be 'er fought.

So, how's one to know just who should be followed,
Leaders of earth, Mammon's lies have they swallowed.
Within, within, within, there you must go,
Within your hearts, the Savior you'll know.
