Steffan M. Bertsch

The stories of the IRS ruining people’s lives are so egregiously numerous and appalling that it's a waste of space to relay any of them specifically. This is my declaration of war against the IRS. I will take no prisoners. I will battle until the beast is buried and cold in the ground.

As an attorney representing honest, law-abiding and God-loving people, I have watched the IRS fraudulently steal homes from five of my clients. That is five too many! The faces of those made homeless by the IRS have haunted my peace for too long.

I watched the courts of Washington state and the federal courts certified the theft of these people’s property. I petitioned in vain to Governors Mike Lowry and Gary Locke
of my state for relief, and none was given. My complaint to state attorney general Christine Gregoire of the fraud was dismissed as a nuisance. Complaining to the Washington State Bar Association resulted in me being mocked. There is no relief in the system.

Nobody in authority and no governmental department of my state cares about the fraud. I sent out press releases to all of the mainstream media in my state about the fraud. None would touch the story. So, I will say that the IRS is a savage thug, that its tactics would shame Al Capone, and that it is protected and encouraged by all in government and the media. The massacre at Waco is nothing in comparison to what the IRS does every day in America.

The cancer must be destroyed, no matter how desperate the measure! The reign of terror must end! The IRS shall die, and in this essay all will see how to kill the beast, forever. Most won't like my solution; many will despise me for it; but after years of finding no relief in the corrupt system, I am convinced this is the only peaceful solution left to destroy the fraudulent income tax and its brutal enforcing agency, the IRS.

Many, like Peter Kershaw and I, have been shouting that the churches of America are feeding the beast and thereby worshipping Mammon. All people who attend places of worship are doing the same, although most are totally ignorant of it. The shepherds have not informed the flock of the fraud. The reason for this harsh message is our churches are servants of the IRS. They have abandoned God in pursuit of Mammon. It’s really that simple. " . . .Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Luke 16:13.

It matters not whether the places of worship are Christian churches, Jewish temples, Muslim mosques, or even Hindu or Buddhist temples. All religions have turned toward the beast, of which the IRS is only an agent. The beast is Mammon. " . . . Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matt. 6:24.

Most American churches elect to become non-profit corporations, and accept the "privilege" of avoiding tax consequences by filing for a 26 USC 501(c)(3) tax
exemption. Because the churches make this election, they are basically tax-free institutions in America. And, as a further bribe, the members who donate money to the churches are allowed to deduct their contributions to 501(c)(3) "churches" from their individual income-tax "liability."

The bribes paid the churches and their members are obvious and insulting to man and God. But, almost every church in America openly and shamelessly accepts the bribes as do the members thereof accept the tax deductions. The reasons given by ministers I've spoken with are manifold, but, they all come down to this, "We can’t compete with other churches if we don’t take this tax exemption." Since when did Truth enter the marketplace? Spiritual pursuit isn’t some stupid board game where the participants try to outdo one another. God will welcome all of His children into His House, but none who step on others to rush the door.

One of the main reasons Virginia rebelled against the Crown in the late 1700s was because the colonists were all forced to directly donate to the Anglican church, whether they were members of the church or not. Today, that lesson was lost on the churches, because all Americans are forced to indirectly donate to all churches, be they Christian or Hindu, because of the tax exemptions granted to the churches. This is a perfect parallel to pre-Revolutionary Virginia, even though the method has changed from direct to indirect taxation.

Many warnings have been given to the churches to come out of Mammon’s harlot, but, almost all remain firmly entrenched therein. Recently, all churches have been given yet another warning. Perhaps it is the last, perhaps the penultimate. But, few more will be given.

The greedy church of Pierce Creek in Vestal, New York was severely spanked by U.S. District Judge Paul L. Friedman when he told it that support of or opposition to political candidates voids its 501(c)(3) tax exemption. The church members should be ecstatic at the court’s ruling, thereby, albeit by force, returning the church to God. But, what do the greedy members do? They fight to return to Mammon. Pierce Creek wants the 501(c)(3) exemption so badly that it has waged war against the IRS to let it back into the belly of the beast. This is very, very sick!

And, here’s the real tragedy. The entire income tax scheme is fraudulent. The government can’t lawfully tax a church unless the church is foolish enough to incorporate. And, the government can’t tax the "income" of most Americans either. But it does, and those who fight the government on this issue and attempt to expose the fraud are quickly stripped of their assets and/or liberty. The income tax is a giant fraud, a Ponzi scheme, a lie, manufactured by the king of lies, Mammon and enforced by Mammon’s agents: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of government, the
media, and the churches.

The fraud of the IRS is all but finished. It is an ugly fraud. Congress passed the fraudulent non-law. The Executive enforces the fraudulent non-law. And the Judiciary certifies the fraudulent non-law. This is a conspiracy of the highest magnitude. And, the media covers up the fraudulent non-law. All who participate in this fraud are worshipping Mammon, whether they know it or not. The churches are principal agents to this horrid fraud.

We can stop this fraud, and we have the power to halt it immediately. The solution is not an easy one, but, it is really very simple. All of you who are church members must ask your minister to drop the church’s 501(c)(3) exemption. If he or she refuses, then
boycott the church this Easter, and forever more. Let Easter be the resurrection of the Son and of the Truth, and the destruction of Mammon. You will not lose your way to heaven by missing services if the church thinks more highly of its dollars than your salvation anyway. It’s time to openly shove the Truth in every religious leader’s face. Most, you will soon discover, care only about money, and it will come very clear to all as this boycott movement expands. Beware, however, because many who paint on faces of loving God and peace will turn into murderous vipers as their earthly mansions crumble.
Some will shriek like banshees.

It is time for all honest church leaders to quit covering up the fraud for the IRS and stop taking the bribes. The dishonest ones will behave like demons once this movement
takes effect. If the church leaders are ignorant of the fraud, then they are blind, and cannot lead anyone, because they know not the Truth. If your minister knows not of the fraud, then he or she is a blind guide that has swallowed a camel in pursuit of your two mites.

We must boycott all 501(c)(3) churches. They are not your churches anyway, they were bought by the IRS. They are IRS churches. If all they care about is money, let them teach the disciples of Mammon, but not those of Christ. It is time to rip asunder the lying Congress’s creation of the IRS, to tear down the lying Executive’s enforcement of the fraudulent income tax, and to shun the cheating Judiciary’s certification of the Ponzi scheme. By boycotting its churches, we will kill the IRS.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4.
