Steffan M. Bertsch

Do you think this world’s gone mad? Did the Mad Hatter’s party have anything on what’s going on in America today? Things aren’t getting curiouser and curiouser; the whole planet’s certifiably nuts.

On April 28, the AP reported that Sandy McCarthy, a NHL player on the home team Philadelphia Flyers got into a fight with Toronto's Tie Domi during a hockey "game." McCarthy later accused Domi of racial bigotry because the Maple Leaf forward "dropped the N-bomb on me." Domi denied calling McCarthy a nigger, but said instead he spit in the black man's face. Said Domi, "I would never use those kind of words, and he knows that." The article concluded with a statement from the league disciplinarian, Colin Campbell, that "The league is on record as having a zero-tolerance policy regarding any racially motivated behavior, and any claim that a taunt or slur took place is an extremely serious one."

Let's translate this insanity. Hockey, a game known for its fights, has no tolerance for a player in Philadelphia, which is a part of the United States covered by the First Amendment of the Constitution, using the word "nigger." Therefore, if Domi called McCarthy a nigger, Domi is in big trouble. However, Domi's defense is that he said not the word that has been banned by the league, but, instead, only spit in McCarthy's face, which is perfectly acceptable to the NHL, making violence more protected than speech.
No wonder the kids who watch sports are unbalanced.

A more crazed type of violence erupted on April 20, 1999, when two students opened fire upon their high school classmates and teachers; they set off some bombs to boot, and this massacre happened partially because they were teased by jocks. It also happened because the assailants knew that all the teachers were unarmed because of no-gun zones in the schools. Many died in the assault, and, Janet Reno condemned the criminals. To her, these kids were sick, depraved, murderous killers. To her, the legislators who passed the no-gun zones that set up the massacre are the heroes.

Six years and a day earlier, much more serious violence occurred when Texas Rangers, FBI, AFT, Delta Forces &c. stormed and fire bombed the living quarters of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. More than 80 American and British, black and white, men, women and children, were butchered on her orders.
Lest any think for even a moment that Reno would avoid responsibility for the act, she was quick to admit that the murders were her fault and that it was a mistake. None of the storm troopers were tried as criminals, nor was their chief, nor her chief, but, some of the survivors of the holocaust were! Again, another Reno mistake!

Can any rational sense can be made from the events in Littleton and Waco? Yes, perfect sense; if you have enough guns, it’s all right to kill, maim and persecute, but if you have only a few guns and bombs, then it’s murder. I guess that’s why it "honorable" to bomb Iraq and Yugoslavia into the stone age, but it would be a terrorist attack if either of those tiny countries dared to retaliate.

Perhaps that’s also why a jury of twelve can sit in judgment after hearing court sanctioned evidence, presented by government lawyers and defended by state-approved defense counsel, and after listening to judicial instructions, be authorized to lawfully kill a defendant. Were the same twelve to just as carefully weigh the same facts regarding the same accused in another, unsanctioned setting, and after due deliberation, conclude that the accused should be hanged by the neck until dead, and they carried out the
judgment, they would be considered outlaws, vigilantes, and could be tried for conspiracy and murder.
In the first case, the jury would be sitting in Reno’s court of "justice," so, like the storm troopers in Waco, the jury would be exonerated. In the second case, the jury is outside of Reno’s courts, so it would be punished to the full extent of the "law." Reno has more guns than the twelve "outlaws."

So, maybe things aren’t really crazy, but very sane. She who has the guns, rules. Which is why Reno is now pushing to take more guns from the people because two students went amuck in Colorado. Is Reno an opportunist? Or did those students go nuts on her command just like the troopers in Waco? It really doesn’t matter whether she ordered the murders in Littleton, or she is just using the killings to gain more power, the result is the same.

Did any of you happen to catch Reno’s interview on television the day after the killings? She could hardly contain her glee; her face was lit like a Christmas tree; she literally glowed. I haven’t seen such a bright countenance on one of our government elite since last December when Sandy Berger announced that the US was bombing Iraq again. Berger in the winter of 1998 and Reno in the spring of 1999 could be voted poster king and queen for the American Optimist’s Club. They were both radiant on their respective
dates. In some esoteric way, they must be fed by bombing violence, power and control.

Isn’t it comforting to know that Berger is vigorously protecting American interests abroad and that Reno is in charge of domestic justice? With a team like that securing liberty for Americans in Philadelphia, Littleton and Waco, and for sports fans everywhere, and even for all the other global citizens of the United Nations, the entire world will be able to sleep well tonight, and, maybe even . . . forever.
