Steffan M. Bertsch

What has more words than the Declaration of Independence, yet its content has been memorized by many Americans who know not what Freedom is? The Rules. What's nearly as common to American households as the Bible, but perhaps more closely read and explored? The Game. What calls itself a game of fun as it teaches principles of ruthless annihilation of each and every player? The Parker Brothers Monopoly Game. And, where did this devilish "game" come from, and why is it so popular?

First, it must be stated that at least some of our Founding Fathers abhorred monopolies because the consolidation of all the goods or services into a single hand always led to abuse. Thomas Jefferson proposed a constitutional amendment banning monopolies from our land. Of course, it failed. And, after a several generations, we have learned to love monopolists in America. How did it happen? Just like everything else the New World Order does, by twisting the truth, perverting the facts, and tricking the
ignorant into loving their slave masters. It's the same trick George Orwell pointed out in "Animal Farm" where the sheep bleated endlessly "four legs good, two legs bad" when the animals overthrew the humans, but were forced to change to "two legs good, four legs bad" after the pigs learned to walk upright.

In the mid-nineteenth century, Henry George noticed that unearned increases in land value (inflation of real estate prices) benefited a few wealthy individuals while it crushed majority who were renters because rents were charged in accordance to land values. He sought to halt land monopolies because he believed they were evil.

Lizzie Magie listened to George's arguments and tried to bring the issue of the evilness of land monopolies to the level where it would be easily understood by the masses while also be interesting to learn. To accomplish this goal, she designed a game called the Landlord's Game and earned a patent thereon in 1904. Magie's game looked much like the current Monopoly Game, containing banks, jail, and rent spaces. It differed in that players could not acquire any of the real estate; they were forced to pay for its use. The purpose of the game was to show that the various renters, be they individuals or businesses, were at the mercy of the landowners, and that landowners were
relatively few, so they could artificially set the prices, hence extract more and more from their tenants. In other words, it showed the evils of monopolies at a practical level.

Around 1910, Professor Scott Nearing of the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Finance brought a copy of the Landlord Game to the school and used it for instructional purposes, and taught his students the evils of monopolies via the game. Nearing and his students played and modified the game, soon allowing properties to be bought and sold at auction, and changed its name to Auction Monopoly and finally to Monopoly. The games were being hand produced by students and distributed to friends and relatives. Soon, these hand crafted games began spreading like wildfire to various parts of the country and people were beginning to awaken to the evils of monopolies.

Nearing also supported child labor laws and earned the wrath of steel magnate, Andrew Carnegie, who built his factories with child labor. Which issue galled Carnegie more, it is difficult to tell, but, suffice it to say Nearing made an enemy of NWO Carnegie for supporting child labor laws and denouncing monopolies in a meaningful way. Carnegie, the pretended philanthropist, had a seat on the board of trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, and so he had Nearing fired. If the school had refused to dismiss Nearing, it would have lost its Carnegie funding. That's how NWO "philanthropy" works. You crush all opponents, no matter how small, if they tell the truth.

But, Nearing had done the damage, and Monopoly boards were flooding the country with knowledge. Rexford Tugwell, of New Deal fame became a player of the Monopoly game.
Naturally, that NWO power broker also hated the exposure of the abuses of monopolies, and he had the ear of FDR along with the heart of a jackal. More happened in the early 1930s when FDR took office than bank holidays and the criminalization of gold ownership in America. Of course, Tugwell wasn't the only archon of evil who hated Monopoly. Just realize that some powerful people were dismayed at this teaching tool that was becoming a grass roots' barnstorm. Something had to be done.

In 1930, an unknown and unemployed fellow named Charles Darrow claimed to have invented the game of monopoly and sold it to Parker Brothers in 1934. Parker Brothers immediately ran into trouble because of the fraud perpetrated on them by Darrow, and bought out Magie's patent on the game. But, it was a must that the Parker Brothers version overtake the original, and totally crush all knowledge or memory of the bud of truth it opened. Everyone knows that Parker Brothers was successful; the NWO
always is.

Anyone who traces the history of the game will get quite confused, because the press has reported so many different stories on the history of Monopoly that the truth has been lost. But, the NWO footprints are all over the game. What started out as a game to teach the evils of monopolies now is mass marketed as a game showing that anyone can be a land baron, if they are ruthless enough. And, instead of seeing the evils the game sought to instruct upon, the players now have all joined the evil forces and play the game just like J.P. Morgan played the game of life: to suck every ounce of blood from every victim on the street, while still smiling. Morgan is the banker whose caricature appears on the Chance and Community Chest cards in the current versions of Monopoly. And, it is no co-incidence that the players in the game are represented by tokens; that's the same value the NWO places on anyone's life it ruins--token value.

So, there it is in a nutshell. The NWO twisted and tortured the words and deeds to their own devices, drained money from the people while so doing by selling them millions of games that teach them lies, and got the mind set of the citizens turned on the path of evil thoughts. Sound like a Coup?

But, the NWO is filled with histories of such coups. When the Second Amendment was adopted, James Madison knew that he was authorizing citizens to possess cannons. That didn't stop him, or cause him to water down the language, because he knew that governments become tyrannical over time, and the people's right to bear arms would deter such tyrannical designs. Today, most people on the street think that the Second Amendment was designed to give the government the right to have arms! They're so brainwashed they think pistols are not protected by the Second Amendment. Why
would Madison want people to be armed with cannons and not handguns? It's the most absurd twist imaginable. Why would Madison have written a law to allow the government to bear arms? But, the NWO spin-masters are in total control of the minds of the masses. So the "four legs good," becomes "two legs good" as the sheep bleat and bleat in ignorance.

How do guns and games tie in? Once you recognize the NWO spin design on one issue, you can generalize it to all others. The NWO is a liar and a murderer and knows not the truth, for their is no truth in it.
