"Hiding in Plain Sight"

Christians agree that the once great United
States has sunken to new levels of heinous immorality
and wicked corruption, but most mistakenly believe that
this problem can be solved with the election of honest
and moral people to federal offices. The truth is that
the D. of C. bureaucracy has now captured the American
people by luring us into their muddled web of federal
statutes. Statutes of man have replaced the laws of God
in the ABA, just as burning and cutting and poisoning
have replaced natural remedies in the AMA.

But before the enemies of freedom could replace the
laws of God with these legalized statutes of corruption,
they first had to destroy something else natural in
order to get the door open. It is a premise few people

In the 1960s, a new group out of Belmont,
Massachusetts known as the John Birch Society began to
organize patriotic Americans into educational cell
groups all across the nation. It was founded by the
candy magnate Robert Welch, who through extensive
research began to perceive the on-coming New World Order
and desired to alert his fellow Americans of the high-
level conspiracy designed to take away their freedoms.
Welch believed, and rightfully so, that knowledge is
power and that an educated electorate, who in turn would
keep its politicians aware of the truth, could prevent
any such “creeping socialism” takeover. The subsequent
attack and persecution which he and the society
underwent proved that he was bothering people in high

As Welch himself predicted, The John Birch
Society (named after a Christian missionary murdered by
Chinese Communists in 1945) underwent an enormous attack
by the liberal wing of journalists and professors which
has not ceased. Professor Carroll Quigley of Yale
University, a member of the dreaded Council on Foreign
Relations -- a Birch bugaboo – wrote in his new book a
decade later, Tragedy and Hope, that indeed there had
been conspiratorial plans afoot for a long time.
Quigley believed that the conspiracy was already so
firmly in place that he should have no fear of talking
about it publicly because there was nothing that anyone
could do to stop it anyway.

The Society persisted and even included Tragedy
and Hope in its massive educational catalog of books for
sale at its public meetings. The John Birch Society
became the flagship of all the patriot groups to follow
and was the avowed enemy of communism and all who would
threaten American liberty. It was the first educational
group to expose the fraud in the teachings of the public
school system, by re-educating adults in the areas of
basic protections of freedom in our (former)
constitutional republic as opposed to the inherent evils
within a democracy. You just couldn't get any red-white-
and-bluer than the John Birch Society. That is until
June 24, 1968, a date that came and went unnoticed --
even to the astute Birchers. Yet in retrospect it has
become the flashing red light of history that should
serve to continue to remind us that until we reverse
what became final on that day, Professor Quigley was
right. Whom we elect is of little importance anymore.

It was the final changeover in our monetary
system -- the last meticulous step in the long journey
from lawful money to legal tender -- gold to tokens.
6/24/68 was the day that the banking window, through
which Americans could still exchange paper notes for
silver coin, slammed shut. Natural money was now
totally debauched, and the power to control anything and
everything was granted to a select few plutocrats.
Whenever public servants begin to be paid by something
other than what the people produce, the roles of master
and servant become reversed. Until that window of
exchange is re-opened, all the political rhetoric about
solving one social problem or another is nothing more
than just that -- political rhetoric, "full of sound and
fury, signifying nothing." The Birchers and everyone
else, who think they can fix the republic by writing
letters to notify their senators and congressmen of
various problems, are licking a hollow lollipop. To do
so is to but waste time, paper, and another (phony) 33

I had the “dream” interview the other day with
none other than Pluto Rothschild, the direct descendant
of Great-Grandpa Meyer who said, "Give me the control of
a nation's money supply, and I will care not who makes
its laws." Nobody ever hears of Pluto, but he is still
in charge. Cheeky old S.O.B.(that’s Son of Baal), he
is. As we sat together in the backseat of his limo, he
told me that Rothschild was the name of his earthly
family but his real father is Lucifer himself. He
admitted that now that he has deceived most of us into
believing that his statutes have amended God's natural
laws, he has become our silent ruler.

“I hide my secret weapon in plain sight,” he
said, “and most of you ignoramuses don’t even know what
I have done to you!

“You don’t sugar-coat it, do you?” I said.

“Why should I? Today, I alone make the daily
determinations of the entire money supply. My `money,’
because you suckers were stupid enough to fall for it,
is created through computer credit with the press of a
button. I print paper tokens and mint cheap copper-
laden coins and allow my banking corporations to issue
these to you to spend in the market place. This
massages your ego and enhances the fantasy that you
actually have money in your pocket. Since you now earn
five times as much as you did thirty years ago, you
think you are doing well but have never stopped to think
that both your necessities and luxury items cost six to
ten times as much.

“But where will it all stop?” I asked

“Whatever the inflated price becomes, do you
think I care? I get all this dough for nothing, but you
fools have to trade your goods and services for it. And
you’re too busy struggling with one another in your
daily attempts to get more of my tokens to even realize
that whenever I get the whim, I can push the button and
eradicate everything in your bank account. But you may
rest easy in the knowledge that there is no point in my
doing that right now. I want to keep my naive little
slaves happy while I steal all the real wealth.
Besides, I use my button-pushing antics for much larger
and more important functions than just robbing an
isolated few, although it is a nice hammer to hold over
you in case you get out of line.

“Have you never stopped to think that if I get
it for nothing and you have to work for it, you are my
slave? I can make it plentiful or I can make it
scarce. I couldn’t do it with your lawful money of gold
and silver, but with my legal tender statutes, it’s a
breeze. You imbeciles put up your homes and farms in
exchange for my credit. I then inflate prices to the
eventual point that your overhead erases your profit.
When you can’t pay your mortgage, I get the real wealth,
your property.”

“But how can you be sure a landowner won’t make
a profit?”

“Easy. When the farmers have had good climate
and are about to make a bumper crop, I just call the
COMEX and sell short a large quantity of cotton, corn,
wheat, or beans. Then I create the credit and go pay
for it, thereby lowering the price for everyone before
harvest time. I can afford to haul a wheelbarrow full
of FED-tokens over to COMEX or dump it in the toilet.
But I can't afford to let you make enough to pay off
your loans. What lender is his right mind would want
you released from your debt bondage? I make money the
new-fashioned way: I print it. Then with that I make it
the old-fashioned way: I steal it.

“Your power is unlimited and, if I may say so,
unbridled too, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, you could say that. For awhile there I
was using my unlimited money to influence your vote. I
would buy enough newspaper and television advertising to
inundate your feeble brains with my propaganda, which
finally swayed enough of you to vote for my personal
candidates. If any of the opposition looked `too
clean,’ I would hire a few agent provocateurs to destroy
his reputation within his constituency or even arrange a
convenient `accident’ to remove him from the scene

“But today, with the advent of the sophisticated
computer programs, I don't have to fool around with all
that tedious rigmarole anymore. Go ahead and vote for
whomever you like and see if I care. Makes no
difference to me because with my unlimited money, as we
already told you, I care not who makes election laws,
either. I own every computer tabulating vote machine in
the country. My program is so slick that it even self-
destructs after spitting out my pre-determined vote
count. Now I just spend a little each year in
propaganda advertising to remind you that it is
important to vote. You know, the patriotic thing to
do. So when your candidate loses, you lamebrains go
back and commiserate with one another for four more
years, knowing that you did your duty, and then you make
plans to work harder to get your guy elected next time.
Hee hee.”

I was flabbergasted and asked him, “Are you
telling me that you own all 535 of them? Surely there
must be some people up there in Washington with enough
character to vote their consciences!”

“Oh, I admit, sometimes I get busy with other
things and let one of your boy scouts slip through and
get into Congress. No problem. As soon as my agents
can drop a few bags of cash into his lap, I will own him
and his vote. Since all the votes in the House and
Senate are posted in the record, I can't use my computer
trick there. But if you have been wondering how and why
your favorite candidate got so corrupted so quickly
after coming to Washington, now you know. It usually
takes about a half a million bucks. But what do I
care? I've got all I want at my fingertips, and
assassins are available whenever I need them.

“However, I do have one major problem. In the
history of the world, there has never been a paper money
scheme that survived. You see, what eventually happens
is too much paper and credit floods the market, thereby
causing an increase in prices as more money is chasing
the same amount of goods. This will lead to
hyperinflation as witnessed in Brazil and Mexico in
recent years. But I’ve got a little vacuum cleaning
voodoo to help eradicate that called the Income Tax.
With my controlled news media, I have programmed most of
you to believe that is patriotic to file 1040 forms and
pay for your own hanging. You fools are so brainwashed
that I can get you to squeal on your neighbor, should he
begin to understand the big picture and stop
participating in my game with you. Some of them will
even get on a jury and send one of your Christian
brothers to jail because my agents say, "He wasn't
paying his fair share," and your moronic jurors believe

“With my monetary control of the public school
system, I have been able to program my subjects from
childhood as to the need for an income tax to finance
the government. Of course, this is total baloney. The
income tax doesn't fund anything except me, my
bureaucratic lackeys, and the apocryphal illusion. It
only allows us to carry on our charade for another

“My highly compensated lackeys are products of
the government schools, too, and after a few years of
working in the bureaucracy, they are even more
brainwashed than the rest of you. Most of these robots
think that anything said and done in the name of
government is lawful. So, whenever one of you reads too
much truth and begins to rebel, I just send them to take
away some of your property or maybe even put you in
jail. My scant few who find their work distasteful
manage to overlook it, because I give them large monthly
disbursements – call it hush-money, if you like -- and
grant them good pensions when they retire.”

I was starting to see the light. “So you can
kill people, create wars and domestic terrorism, build
more federal buildings, arm more agents, and generally
do whatever is necessary to preserve your kingdom, can’t

“Yep. I control it all. Do you remember I told
you earlier about what my grandpa said? About `not
caring who makes the laws?’ Ha! I've taken it one step
further. You gave me the control of this nation's
money supply, and now I make all the laws, too!
Sucker. Whatever you do, don't read Hosea 4:6, because
now you might finally understand it. Now get out. I’ve
got business to do.”

I was still standing at the curb before the limo
door closed, when I heard him instructing his driver to
take him back to the Land of Plutocracy.

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