A stand for our Freedoms?

I am willing to take a stand for Freedom, but who is there to fight?

When our right to send and receive mail is taken away, because we refuse
to register at the Post Office, who do we fight?

When we can't buy gas to fill the car tank, because we don't have a
government issued ration ticket, who do we fight?

When we can't buy groceries, because government agents will shut down
any grocery store attempting to sell, or give a loaf of bread to someone
who does not have a government registration number, permitting us to do
so, who do we fight?

When our employer won't let us inside the company door to do our jobs,
because he could be shut down for having unregistered workers, who do we

When we can't vote because we refused to let the DMV take our
fingerprints and retna scan, and now we don't have a valid Driver's
License, who do we fight?

When we can't drive on the Interstate highways,because we don't have our
proper registration (not to mention a lack of a valid driver's license,
or gas in the tank) who do we fight?

When we can't pay our ISP, when there is a freeze on our empty bank
accounts, because we refused to register at the Post Office and now we
are cut off from communicating with others, who do we fight?

When our phone is disconnected, because we refused to 'go along' with
USPS Registration, and the phone company cannot accept payment without
it, who do we fight?

When we have to turn our thermostats down to 58 degrees in the middle of
winter, and our children and elderly are suffering when we can't burn
wood or coal, because of E.O. 13123 - Executive Order 13123 - Greening
the Government Through Efficient Energy Management [Implementation of
Koyoto Treaty -transfers wealth to underdeveloped nations]

When we have to remove our tents from vacant land, under threat of
arrest by UN troops, because we are in violation of the Invasive Species
Act, where do we hang our hats, and who do we fight?

When we can't pay our bills because our empty bank accounts are frozen
because we haven't swallowed the new "rules of USPS registration", or
accepted the new "Mark", who do we fight?

When we as business owners, cannot access and withdraw our assets
because we refuse to give the government our list of customers and what
they purchased, who do we fight?

When we, who are self-employed, can't pay our business suppliers who
require a business check or bankcard, how do we deliver the goods to the
guy who just gave us a gold coin for one of our 'out-of-stock' business
products, who do we fight?

When we, as small independent business owners, can't afford expensive
government inspections, and government regulated compliance of our
business proceedures, who do we fight?

When we, as business owners, cannot pay our emplyoyees, because we have
frozen bank accounts, because we refused to fire anybody who did not
accept the government registration, who do we fight?

When we can no longer buy, sell, barter, trade, rent or own, drive, eat,
sleep or walk, without the Mark of the Beast, who do we fight?

If we don't SOON call upon God Almighty, in the name of Jesus Christ, to
resolve this sorry mess of the world, HOW can we fight?
