Steffan M. Bertsch

It is most difficult to write about the many tornado victims in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas et. al. without thinking of the British tornadoes bombing victims in Belgrade and Novi Sad. Lives, dreams, security and sanity are all destroyed in moments. In North America, terror was wrought by "naturally" created tornadoes, while in Yugoslavia, the man-made tornadoes bring destruction because of political events. Is there a connection between to two actions of terror? Are the two types of tornadoes tied together by some unseen forces?

When Clinton faced an impeachment for perjury and obstructing justice, he bombed Afghanistan and Sudan. After he was impeached by the House, and during his trial in the Senate, he bombed Iraq. Several weeks after the Senate’s acquittal for lying to a grand jury and covering it up, he bombed Yugoslavia with reckless abandon. And now, when his bombing seems to be a losing battle in Serbia and Kosovo, what is going on in Bill Clinton’s life?

In Alexandria, Virginia, Julie Hiatt Steele is on trial for obstruction for allegedly lying to Ken Starr’s investigators about whether Kathleen Willey had confided in her about a presidential groping. Willey, it might be remembered lost her husband to a "suicide" on the same day that a "consoling friend," Bill Clinton, hugged, kissed, then felt up the grieving Willey, showing himself to be the basest sort of masher. Steele’s trial is now in a critical stage.

What’s dominating the front page? Not the war in Yugoslavia, not the Steele trial, but the twisters in the Midwest. Clinton has at his disposal a weapon called HAARP, which has the ability to send enormously powerful pulses and waves into the atmosphere, and therefore, Clinton can conduct weather control and create storms. Did Clinton order HAARP to be directed at Kansas and Oklahoma? Is he demonic enough to do such a thing to keep the Steele trial from American eyes? You say Clinton wouldn’t kill his own
people! You deny this possibility! What about Waco and the Branch Davidians, which happened just 90 days after his ascension to the First Chair of this country? Was that not like a burnt offering? Or, much worse, has Russia, which also has a twin to HAARP, become so disgusted with the US bombing of Serbia, that it has unleashed its own weather-controlled storms upon the US?

Or, much worse for the demons, but most welcome for the Children of God, is Divine Justice finally being executed upon the USA? Is God so angered by the US government that He has declared war upon America? But, why would God turn on the USA, the home of the brave and the land of the free? How could God oppose a country that so loves Him that it puts His name on the country’s most prized possession . . . its money. Every coin and bill says: "In God We Trust." Why would God reject the loving embrace of a country that declares with every recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance that it is "one nation, under God?" How could God be so cruel and ignorant of the government’s love for Him?

Could He be angered that mention of Him has been ripped from the curricula of the public schools? Is it possible that He is mad because in the courts around the land, when an accused criminal is attempting to beat alcoholic or drug addiction by using psychiatrists and therapists, the defendant’s efforts are lauded, but, under the same circumstances, if the accused has beaten the evil monkey by finding God, that person is ridiculed, scorned and harshly sentenced? Would God be frustrated that our income tax system is based entirely upon lies, power, deception and fraud? Does it raise His ire that those who point out the
fraud in the tax system are persecuted, and those who support the lies are rewarded? Is He angered that our debt-based currency fraudulently steals the wealth of the people and puts it into the hands of a few private bankers by charging interest on worthless paper? Maybe He has become irked because almost every election in the country is rigged, either by money or outright fraud? Could He be torqued off because Dr. Robert Gallo developed AIDS in Maryland, then spread it around the world, not only with the government’s blessings, but with its grants of money and by following its specific orders? Is God ticked
off because we build nuclear bombs? Is He angered at the monstrous hypocrisy of challenging Serbs for ethnic cleansing when the USA has committed atrocious genocide upon the American Indians? Or, could God be angered that we still have Bill Clinton as president, a man shown clearly to be a misogynist, a womanizer, a liar, and morally bankrupt yet equal-opportunity murderer who will bomb his own people at Waco as well as the Serbs at Belgrade?

A brief walk into Daniel reveals:

And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.

The first "was" like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were
plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a
man’s heart was given to it. Daniel 7:3-4.

Is it possible that the first beast, being like a lion, is the British Commonwealth with the air power of the eagle, or the USA? Most will scream in denial. Most will reject any such thought. Will denial change the facts?

The Dutch once controlled the world trade, the commerce of the globe, until they kicked the world bankers out of their country. The bankers in Holland were exposed as filthy liars and cheaters, among other things. The Dutch government had accepted the lying bankers in exchange for the worldly riches and power the bankers gave them, but, when the people discovered the fraud, they had a necktie party and the bankers fled Holland, and moved their headquarters to London.

Before the bankers landed in London, they made the same filthy deal with the British government that they had with the Dutch, which amounted to this: The bankers would lie, cheat and steal from everyone, and in exchange for being allowed a home base in London, the bankers would make England the most powerful military force on the globe, literally the king of the world. This devilish partnership has been going on for a centuries. The American colonies smelled the deal with the devil, revolted, separated and won a reprieve. But, demonic agents such as Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr and John Marshall laid the
groundwork for the American republic’s return into the brothel of the harlot, the house of Rothschild. Over time, America rejected Jefferson’s dream of an honorable agrarian society, and followed the industrialized urban pattern right into hell.

Part of England’s "noble" history includes forcing East Indians to cultivate opium poppies, then produce addictive drugs from the crop to sell to the Chinese to destroy them. When the Chinese government resisted this plan of having a population of zombies, England waged war with China over the right to bring opium into the country! And, the British won that war! Today, the CIA is a big player in the "war on drugs" which is really a fight to addict the population of America while also destroying the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Amendments in the process.

The twentieth century has seen America used as the tool of these London bankers who have since infiltrated almost every country and certainly control the USA. These bankers are not British at all, nor American, nor even Dutch, nor should they even be considered human by their thoughts, words or deeds; these bankers are globalists, with designs on controlling the entire planet. These bankers are the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs &c. who rule the world through various groups and organizations, and, they have granted to America along with the British Commonwealth, total world domination in exchange for control of all commerce. These bankers are the core of the New World
Order. They ordered that NAFTA and GATT be passed, and those laws were. Those Acts not only caused the shipping of the high paying jobs overseas, but, also, allowed the multinational corporations, which are tools of the NWO, to horribly exploit the host countries where the formally-American jobs arrived. The host-country workers were paid slave wages, and their lands were polluted with total disregard for the ground, the waters and the air. These NWO bankers ordered George Bush and Bill Clinton to be elected, and they were. These bankers ordered the cold war, and it was done. These bankers owned and controlled the Soviet Union from its inception, and they ordered it to be dismantled by
their man, Mikhail Gorbachev. These bankers control every aspect of this world through commerce.

And, these bankers are godless, heartless, demonic beasts. They stand for everything that opposes the True God of Love. And, regardless of how much you seek to deny it, America has chosen the "rewards" from these bankers over those promised by the True God. Depravity is everywhere in the country to prove this; those who know this to be true need no listing of the perversions; their hearts already alerted them that this is so, and for those in denial, no list could be long enough to convince them of their folly in accepting Mammon.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow, the USA must pay for making a deal with the devil. Each time Clinton attacks some other person or nation or confederacy, is it possible that the USA will now be forced to pay with its own homes, with its own buildings, with its own factories, with its own people for what is being done? Is it possible that Truth is about to reign on this planet, and the fraudulent pretender that we have tied this country to is being evicted? Is there a message in the book of Jonah that is appropriate here? Or has the USA gone so far that only the books of Daniel and Revelation and a few chapters in Matthew and Luke are now relevant to its fate?

Those with eyes and ears see that the eagle’s wings have been plucked. NATO’s air campaign has failed in Yugoslavia. The beast has been quieted, as has the fear of the beast been quelled. More upstarts will pop up now, and Yugoslavia will be the Liberty Bell for all of those who hate and are oppressed by America around the world, and we have well earned the hatred of many by exploiting them for the gain of material wealth, or by militarily occupying their countries. The Libyas, the Iraqs, the North Koreas, even the Russias and Chinas of the world will soon see our great wings are plucked, and trouble will abound for the USA.

Of course, America can revive that great fear of her if she openly uses chemical, biological or nuclear weapons on the Serbs. That would certainly cause the upstarts to re-consider whether the eagle is down and out. Should America resort to those unthinkable tactics, only the most demonic of the population would be blind as to the role this country is playing in the world stage. But, it is not beyond our leadership to use the horrible weapons. The USA is the only country to openly "test" atomic weapons on populated cities. Would she do so again? Such heinous action would probably lead to open mutiny and revolt within
the borders and it is hopefully not a card that "our leaders" have considered. But, then again, why wouldthe scientists build weapons that the government isn’t considering using?

If Clinton did not order the Midwestern storms through HAARP, and if Russia did not turn her HAARP on us to cause them, then we are witnessing something else, something out of this world. The skeptics will say, the storms are but a coincidence. Few who have delved into spiritual matters believe in coincidences, but, for the skeptics, all the "natural" disasters will ever be are random events with no causes and for no purposes. The skeptics don’t even believe in God. Let them wallow in their ignorance.

For those who are beyond the skeptical belief in only things of the physical, for those who understand on some level that there are forces much greater than what men can see, feel, hear, touch or taste, there is something else to consider. Of the group that is beyond skepticism, there is a very large percentage of them that openly rejects the possibility of external Evil, that refuses to consider that there is an Evil Mind running this world, that denies the war between Good and Evil. These people are now facing the maddening realization that if all is off God and God is Good, and there is no Evil, then why is God being so disruptive to their spiritual ascent by causing wars on the planet, by causing massive destruction, by murdering all the plants, animals and people? These people are a step above the skeptics who know not God, but are woefully deluded by the illusions and tricks of the banker’s master, Mammon, because they actually believe that there is no Evil, and if there is no Evil, there can be no war. Hence, to them, the war is an illusion.

A few understand the waging battle between the Divine Forces and the demonic rulers who have temporarily controlled this planet by lies, by fraud and by murder. They see something very different happening to the tornado bombings and the tornado twisters than the rest of the population. Despite the gravity of the carnage in the Midwest and the terror it has caused, those who understand the war of Good and Evil, those who realize that America has become the part of the First Beast of Daniel, those who havepatiently awaited Divine Judgment, those who Love God, will see these storms as a sign of the Most
Glorious of Times on this Planet if they look into their hearts. That message is within for those who are somewhat awakened to this time, and comprehend at some level what is happening. Those with eyes and ears might well discern it is time for all who Love the True God to come out of the Harlot, time to stop serving evil and money and fraud, Time to Rejoice because Liberation from Evil is at hand.
