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The Written Word

full name: thomas edward yorke born: october 7, 1968 blood type: red hobby: being in a band. sleeping. worrying. favorite bands and musicians: magazine, scot walker, the fall, japan, REM, moonshake, the beatles, public enemy, elvis costello biggest influences on your life: dreams, norm chomsky, television, cities, people, love. favorite book: ben okri "the famished road" favorite films: "a night on earth", "les amants du pont neuf", "arthur" please describe yourself: difficult/ creative sometimes. how would you describe the other members in the band?: phil: drummer. very nice jonny: clever. likes jazz and wrong notes. colin: educated. prone to lunacy. so ciable. ed: tall. charming. secret "alarm" fan. who is your ideal man: charlie chaplin who is your ideal woman: joan colins worst job you ever had: selling badly made suits to middle aged idiots. on commission. why did you choose your present part: no one else wanted to do it. which son do you like best among all of your: all the new ones. one funny episode from your career: drinking overnight in paris, doing a great show that evening, getting drunk, falling asleep on our tour bus, waking up at heathrow airport, getting on a plane arriving in new york. doing a quick rehearsal, going out for a meal. all in 24 hours. what did you want to be in your childhood: a pop star who would you like to be, if you had a new life: michael cain if radiohead were a family, which part would you be: the puppy dog that the youngest child had for its birthday that still shits on the carpet. why did you turn to music: it is one of the few art forms that can pay well. also i love it more than anything. Taken from the: green plastic radiohead webpage.
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