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Lately I have been dreams that have been predicting the future with uncannily accurate events. What is the significance if this?

The psychic signs are generally the water signs, so Cancers, Scorpios and Pisceans are naturally predisposed to psychic abilities. Neptune in the chart also show us where our psychic abilities lie, and since the querent referred to the dream state, this is the planet that needs to looked at a little more closely. And lastly, and planets placed in the twelfth house will relate to awareness during the sleep state.

I have natal Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus retrograde. When any of these planets transit and are also retrograde, how will I interpret them?

When you have planets retrograde, this indicates that you will tend to be quite introspective in the areas that those planets govern. Because Mercury is retrograde, you will make an excellent writer because you will tend to do things over and over, wanting to get them perfect. With Jupiter retrograde, you may find that you are more sombre than you should be because it has many Saturnian influences. Uranus retrograde means that you can be a bit quirky, and people who do not know you all that well may consider you a bit eccentric.

When a planet is retrograde, it will often affect the sign or house opposite it. I personally have Uranus retrograde in my 1st house, and I have learned to expect my partner’s to do some rather unexpected things.

I have intermittent sinus (post nasal drip) problems that lead to infections & want to find out what to take and when to take it.

Medical astrology is not my forte and I would never in a million years try to give medical advice to someone because I have no qualifications in that field whatsoever.

The sinuses are ruled by Mars, Aries and the 1st house, so look for any transiting or progressing aspects to see where the problems lie. In addition, the sign that is on the cusp of the sixth house, the house that Virgo is placed in, and the sign and house that Chiron is placed in will give you some insight into where you need healing.

How can I delineate a chart when the time of birth is not known?

If you don’t know a person’s time of birth, it is best to cast a flat chart for 12.00 noon, omitting any reference to houses. If you focus on the what signs each planet is in, and what aspects are formed, you should be able to give an accurate and reliable reading.

What can I expect to change when Uranus hits Saturn in Aquarius 3rd House by transit?

Expect some rather unexpected news from an old friend who lived quite close to you. You may find that your partner is a bit jealous of one of your friends, and this will put stress on the relationship. While you want to please your partner, you do not necessarily want to give up the friendship either, which is quite possibly what your partner wants you to do.

My progressed Sun is moving into the 12th House and will stay there for over 30 years. I feel a sense of isolation.

With your Sun moving into the house of one’s own undoing, it is good to have all of your affairs in order. It would be wise not to engage in any clandestine activities because when the truth comes out, which it will, you may find yourself in an embarrassing situation. With you Sun in this placement you will find that you must rely on your intuition much more than normal because it seems that things are not always as they appear. You may not get a great deal of fulfilment from your work, and this arrangement has been made so that you will tap into your inner resources and see that there is much more to this world than the everyday trappings that we all take so much for granted.

If you have a problem or question, then e-mail Tracy, who will get back to you.

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Spinstar Contact: Tracy Porter Last Update: Feb 21, 2000 Spinstar