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undefined Away Mission
By Dana
Rated PG-13

B'Elanna sat in the shuttle craft, glaring at everyone. she didn't really mind going on the away mission, but it was the principal of the thing, people weren't supposed to sign her up for things without telling her first. It wasn't only that, she was having a bad day all together. Nothing seemed to be cooperating today, and she was not happy about that at ALL.

Chacotay glanced up at her scowling face and frowned. "B'Elanna, stop glaring at me, it makes me nervous."

"Oh shut up" she yelled

From the pilots chair Tom made a noise, the kind he made when she was in a bad mood and he was making a mental note to keep out of her way.

B'Elanna scowled again. "TOM DON'T MAKE THAT NOISE!"

Realizing that it was usless to protest Tom simply informed them that they were reaching there destination is 10 seconds. Jokingly he began the count down. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BOOM! They landed.

Upon there arrival Tom looked around taking various readings while B'Elanna took dust samples.

When they had finished Chacotay took one last look around. Just when he was about to say, "Well, I guess we'd better get going" 5 armed aliens jumped out from behind a rock and pointed there weapons at B'Elanna, and shot with deadly accuracy.


B'Elanna screamed in paralyzed fright. It was Tom that jumped to her protection, diving in frount of her and sheiding her from the bullets. The aliens ran away, thinking that theit evil deed was done. B'Elanna looked at Tom and screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Tom lay unconsious on the ground, bleeding and barely alive. B'Elanna kneeled over the body, sobbing and cursing at the same time. Chacotay tapped his comm badge,

"3 to beam to sick bay, we have a medical emergencey!"


The doctor took one look at the blood covering Tom and sent B'Elanna and Chacotay away, "I need space" he told B'Elanna when she protested, "I'll be sure to call you if anything comes up, I promise"

B'Elanna, finally realizing that their was nothing she could do, took refuge in her quarters. She fell on her bed, and sobbed into her pillow. Memeories began floating into her head. Memories of when she had yelled at him in the shuttle craft, and when she had nearly bit his head off when he had asked her out for dinner. Then it came back to her, how he had dived it front of her, to save her, sacrificing himself for her. OHHHHHHHHHH she screamed again and cried so hard her pillow was wet with tears.

"Tom's gonna die", she thought, "and it's all my fault!"

The next few days were a blur, no one dared talk to her due to the amount of glares she gave to anyone who looked remotely friendly.
She still wasn't allowed in sick bay "It's going to be hard enough to save him" the doctor expained "without people looking over my shoulder all the time" B'Elanna lay in her quarters thinking about how terrible she was.
"I'm a horrid horrid person" she told herself over and over. "It's my fault Tom's died, it's my own fault!" With that she burst in such a fit of tears she didn't hear her door open.

"B'Elanna?" a familiar voice echoed into her quarters.

"TOM!" she screamed. She was so happy that she just burst in the happy tears all over again.
She ran over to him and enveloped him into a big hug. He hugged back feircly, as if he never wanted to let go.

"I almost thought I lost you" B'Elanna murmered.

"Me too" Tom admitted. "I love you so much B'Elanna, and I never want to lose you.

"Me nether" B'Elanna said.

"Neelix is throwing a party in the mess hall, do you want to go?"

"Sure" B'Elanna anwsered and the pair walked hand in hand out the door.