What is the fédération internationale de ligne et de point (FILP)? It is French for 'International Federation of Line and Dot.' Line and Dot is a tactical game that has a large international following. Where Chess is a simulation of war, Line and Dot is a simulation of construction and growth and opposition. Chess has been likened to the sport of Kings. Line and Dot is the sport of Emperors.
I, Bill Palecek, am the current reigning Line and Dot world champion. I gained this position in the first ever title match against the devious Andy Krick on 8/20/01, at the Regent Apartments. I defended my position against an honorable man named Ben on 9/12/01, at the Ogg Hall Laundromat. Regretably, history forgets Ben's last name.
Parties interested in challenging my title must qualify as per FILP rules and regulations. I can be contacted at ZarkXain@aol.com or whpalecek@students.wisc.edu.
Bon chance!