Title: A night of changes

Author: Sha and Bev

Disclaimer: Tom,Rita and his family are quite obviously not ours. However, the other character's and the story idea are.

Notes:Before you get upset by what you may read, finish the whole story.Also, remember,it's Halloween, the night when anything goes. Have a great night folks!


A Night Of Changes

Working late again Mr. Hanks?

Smiling at the studios security guard,Bernie.

"Tom, call me Tom Bernie.And yes, but I just got done. I have to head home.I promised the Family I would go trick or treating with them tonight."

"Oh yeah? You gonna dress up with the kiddies?"

"If that new shop I saw still has something left I am. Have a Happy Halloween Bernie.See ya Monday."

"You bet Mr..uh-Tom."


Well, as you know, strange things happen on Halloween, especially when there's a full moon out. This night would prove no exception.


Coming to the shop he told Bernie about, Tom went inside.Once he passed through a curtain that hung over the door, he saw a werewolf costume. It seemed to jump out at him.To call or beckon to him somehow. It almost seemed as if it was alive.

A bent over figure with tattered clothes on came out from somewhere in the back of the shop.A ,"Can I help you?", revealed a green set of gnarled teeth.

Flashing his pearly white's, Tom pointed to the costume. "Yes, I want that werewolf costume there please."

Cackling, he rubbed his hands together, looking quite pleased."Oh yes,I think this will be a perfect costume for you. There is a legend that on All Hallow's Eve,with a full moon blazing, mystical things happen and what you wear releases what you are within."

Chuckling, Tom said,"Well good, my wife Rita is always saying that I'm a beast."
Getting his change and the package from the strange man,Tom left the store. As the door was shutting behind him, Tom could almost swear he heard the clerk saying, "Yes, this will be a night of many changes for you."


When Tom arrived home, he found a note from his family mapping out their trick or treat route. Deciding to try to meet up with them, he put on his new costume.

Walking outside, he began to feel strange. As the light of the full moon hit him, he fell to the ground.

Tom had transformed into the very costume he wore.Growling, the Tom-wolf bound off, into the night following a scent he knew well. The one of his family.

Heading down the block in a fast lope, the Tom-wolf sniffed the air,looking for food.

The search didn't last long.

Coming across a dirty looking old man, the wolf became confused at the familiar but nasty scent. This was someone he *knew* but there was undercurrents. Things the wolf didn't understand but could react to.
Pure hatred.

In one leap, he pounced, hitting his victim square in the chest. As the man hit the ground, the beast ripped him apart before one scream could leave his throat.


His appetite sated, he continued on his quest.So intent on his mission, the screams of terror didn't register. The objects of his search were nearby.

A police officer stepped in his path, gun raised. The wolf swatted him aside as if he was a toy. His family was straight ahead. They had completed their journey, unaware of being stalked.

The Tom-wolf had tracked his family back to the house.As he had them in sight, a cloud front passed in front of the moon, blocking it's light completely.

Howling one last lone howl,the Tom-wolf dropped to the ground.

When he transformed back to himself,the mask slipped, revealing the lower half of his face.

"Tom? Tom! Kids, help me get your dad in the house. Hurry!"

Toms family carried him inside and Rita then removed his costume. Stirring, Tom looked up at his wife in confusion.
"How, what? Rita?"

Smiling in relief, Rita hugged her husband. "Oh Tom, I thought you had been attacked! There was a strange wolf out and it killed that nasty old man. You know, the one who raped those girls years ago and is under suspicion of abducting the ones that have recently gone missing? Thank heavans you're not hurt. What happened to you?"

"I'm not sure. I went to this shop after I left the studio and bought my costume.When I got here, I found your note and thinking I could find you guys, I put the costume on and left.The next thing I can remember is you leaning over me."

Kissing him softly,Rita shook her head. "You must be overly hungry or something. Want me to get you something to eat?"

"No, I'm oddly full. I think I'll just go to bed."
"OK dear. I'm going to put this costume up in a plastic sack. You can wear it again next year. It *is* a neat costume."

The End.....?
