Title:Tom's new movie

Author:Sha and Bev

Rating:PG maybe PG13

Disclaimer:None of the characters are owned by us.We are just paying homage in our own way.


Picking up the phone in his office, Tom looked at the express package that his publicist had sent. "Oh hey Jim. Yes I received it but haven't had a chance to open it yet."

"Well Tom,I think you'll really like this, go ahead and open it now."

"I'm sorry Jim, but I'm not feeling real good.I just got back from the doctor. I pulled a muscle in my leg this morning and the doc put me on muscle relaxers. You know what a light weight I am, I'm feeling a little loopy.I'm gonna take a nap and when I get up I'll open this. What is it any way?"

Chuckling, his publicist replied,"OK, well this is your chance to be the bad guy without all your fans getting in a huge uproar. You get to be a vampire. When you're feeling better,give it a look."

"You bet Jim, talk to you later." Hanging up the phone,Tom looked at the package. "Hmm, a vampire huh?" Unable to resist, he opened it anyway. Inside he found a vcr tape,a script,and a letter from Jim.

Reading the letter, he got up to put the tape in the vcr.


On this tape you will find two episodes

of the hit TV show,'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'.

I know you've seen most of them already,but

these two are kinda Halloweenish so they will

at least put you in the holiday mood.The script

is the screen play for a movie that follows the

series plot. Get this Tom, you have a chance to

be the behind the scenes AND playing the villian

in the flic. Watch the tape, the episodes I've

included are, 'Halloween' and 'I only Have Eyes

for you'.Call me with your decision.


Sitting down on his couch, Tom watched the two episodes. The one he had seen but the other one, Halloween, he hadn't yet. When the show was over, he picked up the script and began to read it.Starting to feel tired from the medicine, he layed down and continued to read. Lines were getting wavy and were running together as Tom succumed to sleep. The last line he read as he drifted off was one about vampires and the slayer.


"Alright Giles, I was getting ready to go to the Bronze to meet up with the others. What is so important that I had to come here instead?"

Looking up from hhis book, Giles looked at Buffy with disproval." Yes, well sorry to make you sacrifise so but we have what appears to be a new ma-master. This one is much w-worse than the last one. I'm afraid he must be taken care of now before his plans of re-opening the hell mouth are carried off."

Sighing, Buffy headed out the door,"ok, I'll go get the gang.If you want Spike helping out, you call him. I'm not!" She went out the door, muttering under her breath," great! There goes my Friday night.Another fun filled evening spent with my watcher and the bleached out vampire. My life sucks."

On the way to picking up her friends at the Bronze, a dark figure stepped out of the alley, causing Buffys heart to race a little-"Angel?"

The figure stepped out of the shadows and under the light of a street lamp. "The only angel I see here is you sweetheart." Buffy, rolling her her eyes,pulls out a stake, preparing for the fight," that is *so* yester."

"Slayer!" Vamping out, the stranger growled. Snorting, Buffy shook her head. "Has any one ever told you that you look like that actor, Tom Hanks, only your teeth are pointier?"

"Would you like to have my autograph, signed in your blood?"

"No, but I'll take it signed in yours," she said as she punched him, busting his nose.

Wiping the blood off,he started circling around her," so that's how you want to play it huh?" Hitting her back,he grabbed her hand that held the stake and squeezed, causing her to cry out and drop the stake. "You Slayers always quick for a fight. Oh well, works for me." Keeping his grip on her hand he pulled her in close and licked her neck. She head butted him while kicking him in the shin. Stumbling back, he lost his hold on her.

Looking up, he saw Buffy's friends running in their direction.His face reverted back to human form and he smiled cordially at Buffy. "It's been fun, but tonight isn't our night.Until later my sweet."

"Works for me" Buffy holered after him as the others reached her. "Ass hole."

"Hey Buff you ok? Want me to turn him into a rat? You know,was it just me or was that guy the actor Tom Hanks?"

"No, but he offered to sign his autograph in my blood."

Xander looked at Buffy, pouting," He didn't offer it to me."

Giving Xander a strange look, Buffy patted his shoulder."You might get your chance yet Xand. Come on guys, lets get back to Giles, I think we just met the new master."

Ariving back at Giles, Buffy was dismayed at the sight of Spike on the ex-watchers couch."Great, first the new master, now peroxide boy.This night as gone to hell."

Looking up from the book he was reading Spike smirked, "Buffy, bloody charming as ever I see."

"Bite me."
"I'd love too cutie, come here."

Rolling her eyes, Buffy turned to Giles, "I think I met the new master you were talking about Giles."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

"Well, I was walking to the Bronze to get the guys when this guy stepped out of the alley. I-I thought it was Angel for just a minute but-"

"Pfft, I can't believe you still have fuzzy feelings for that nancy boy.A real man would face his problems, not run like a bloody wanker."

Rolling her eyes, Buffy snorted. "Oh and you're a *real* man?"
"Give me 10 minutes Slayer and I'll show you."
"Yeah whatever. Anyway, it wasn't Angel but this guy who kinda reminded me of that actor from 'Sleepless In Seattle', Tom Hanks. That was such a great movie!"

Willow nodded excitedly,"oh yeah and the ending was sooo sweet! I hope that wasn't that actor all vampy.That would be a bummer."

"Yeah it would, he has such great eyes."

"I'm going to yak if you two don't bloody shut up. 'Ooooohhh and his chest was like really hairy' oh bloody please! Shut up with that rot."

Giles pinched the bridge of his nose wearily, wishing this would all end quickly so he could be alone."A-as much as I hate to agree with Spike, you are a b-bit redundant. Could you please stay focused Buffy?"

"Geesh, sorry. Anyway, he gave me a corny line, I punched him, he punched back we started fighting, and then, well he licked my neck-"She stopped, shivering a little and looked at Giles. "He really creeped me out Giles, he was strong and well, creepy."

"Hold up a minute, he what??! He licked your neck? Is that what you said?" Spike was pissed.Very pissed. "He bloody licked 'MY SLAYERS' neck!" Not realizing that he had his game face on, Spike started advancing towards Buffy. "No one licks your neck unless it's me!"

"Umm excuse me? I don't *think* so. And stop, your wigging me out." Growling, Spike grabbed Buffy's shoulders and pulled her close to him. Sniffing her neck, he nuzzled her hair aside and then he slowly reached his tongue out and licked her neck.

Shuddering, Buffy pushed Spike away. The room was deadly silent. Looking at the others, Buffy's humilliation was doubled to see all of them, Giles included, with their mouths hanging open. "Spike, I am *so* gonna kill you.Umm are we done here Giles?"

"Oh my god yes! Spike, you and XANDER go on patrol. If you meet up with the new master don't engage in a fight, get back here. Willow, you and Oz please go to the library and get on the dread machine. We need to research this master.Buffy, you stay here and we'll work on your training."

Buffy looked at Giles incredously, "you're going to trust them two to go out on patrol and come back, ALIVE!?"

Ignoring her, Giles looked at the others. "Be back here in two hours."

The others walked out leaving Buffy behind feeling strangely worried. "Giles, are you sure I shouldn't go too? Something tells me that I should go."

"They'll be fine Buffy, downstairs now."

Grubling, Buffy stomped down the stairs to the training room that Giles set up in his basement.

Two hours later, a bloody and bruised Spike stumbled in dragging a bruised and bloody Xander with him.

"Oh my god! Giles come quick, Spike and Xander are hurt!" Giles came running in and grabbed Xander from Spike. Releaved of his burden, Spike sank to the floor.

Buffy ran over to him and kneeling on the floor, she put his head in her lap."Spike, Spike, talk to me. What happened Spike?"

Opening his eyes, he tried to smile, "I knew you liked me pet. We were almost done with patrol when 20 vamps jumped us. Said it was a bloody message from the master. The wanker didn't come himself though."

"What was the message Spike?" Buffy asked, stroking his hair.

"If you don't come to the park tomorrow, he'll kill all your friends.He already got that ass whole Parker and blondie Riley. Plus two other chicks. The Parker guy had it coming though."

"Spike! Can you stand up? I'll take you to Giles spare bed and clean you up a bit."

Groaning as he tried to stand, he took Buffy's offered hand."What to get me in bed and have your way with me huh? All you had to do was ask."

"In your dreams Spike. In your dreams."

"Every time I close my eyes Slayer. Every time."

Buffy got Spike into the bed and began to undress him down to his boxers.Going into the bathroom, she wet down a wash rag and cleaned the blood off of Spike. As she started to leave the room, Spike grabbed her arm and jerked her onto the bed with him. "Stay until I fall asleep, please."

Sighing, Buffy nodded. Settling her body next to his she waited for him to fall asleep. Just before he did, he quietly said,"promise you won't go after him tonight Buffy."

"Shhh" leaning over him, she gave him a kiss."Go to sleep Spike, it'll be OK. I promise that it will be ok."

Hearing the word he thought he wanted to, Spike allowed himself to drift to sleep.

When Buffy was sure he was deeply asleep, she carefully got up and went back down the stairs. "Giles, how is Xander?"

Smiling wearily, Giles whispered, so as not to disturb Xanders sleep. "Much as Spike is I'm sure. He'll be fine after some rest. They both will. Buffy, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you about going, I doubt it would have made a difference but maybe it would have helped some. I am truly sorry."

Shaking her head at him she smiled sadly. "It's not your fault Giles, have Willow and Oz come back yet?"

"No, I called and told them to stay put. I am afraid they may be ambushed if they leave."

"Good. I'm going to go do something real quick. I'll be back shortly 'k?" Not giving Giles a chance to protest, Buffy ran out the door, her weapon bag in hand.

Going in the direction of the park, Buffy began her search.When she reached the outer edge of the college campus, her search ended. The person she sought was draining a student.

"Well, well. If it isn't the master. I assume that you are the new master right? It's kinda hard to tell since you leave all the dirty work up to your minions. I bet they had to catch tonights dinner for you too."

Dropping the scared teenager, the master, Tom, smiled at Buffy. "Well, well, the Slayer. How are you doing on this fine evening?"

"I'll be doing much better once I stake your ass. Thanks for asking."

"Did you get my little present? I told my minions to kill the one but that vamp of yours really put up a fight for the kids life. It was really quite touching. I think I'll drop your dead body on his doorstep. That would be a nice gesture, don't you think?"

Going into her fighting stance,Buffy glared at Tom. "There's only one problem with your senerio, I'm not the one who is going to die tonight.You are."

Laughing, Tom spread his arms out wide. "You are so charming, no wonder that turn coat is in love with you. Well come on sugar, bring it on. Hit me with your best shot."

Flinging her stake at Tom, he jumped to the side, the stake catching him in the chest but off it's intended mark. "Feisty aren't you? Close sugar but no dice."

"Oh shut up! I'd rather listen to Spikes lines then have to suffer through another one of your lame ones.Can we get on with this? I have things to do."

"If the lady so wishes, I shall do my best to see that she receives. Boys. You heard the lady." Six vampires came out of the shadows, surrounding Buffy.

"Oh please, you are so pathetic. Can't even fight me on your own, can you?"

"See my dear, that's the difference between me and you. You have to, I don't.I'm the master and others can do my fighting for me. It's one of the perks."

"Yeah, I bet it's right up there with the nifty leather jacket you all seem to favor. Don't go too far, when I'm done with your stooges, I'll be coming for you."

Laughing, Tom gave Buffy a sweeping bow," oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Neither would we." Buffy looked up in shock to see Oz and Willow standing with crossbow and stakes in hand. They quickly dispatched of three vampires. Buffy took her cue and swept the legs out from under the one nearest to her. Bringing her stake down he exploded into dust. Seeing that her two friends could handle the last two vamps, Buffy turned her attention back to Tom. "Guess we aren't so different after all huh?"

"Oh dear, you don't actually think I'd come without more back up do you?"

"Maybe not peaches, but then neither did Buffy. Pet, you seem to have broken a promise you made. You can make it up to me later."

"Um hi Spike, technically, I never promised you what you thought." Seeing Spikes murderous glare, Buffy quickly added, "but I'd be more than happy to make it up to you later."

Smiling, Spike put his game face on," goody, well lets kill these wankers then."

It was then Buffy noticed 15 or so more vamps come out into the open. "Geesh, you guys are like cockroaches."

"Buffy, heads up." Buffy looked over to see Giles, crossbow in hand ready to toss it to Buffy. "Thanks Giles, where is Xander?"

"Behind you Buffy! Xander is still at my place, out cold." Firing her crossbow into the vampire trying to sneak up behind her,she turned giving the one to the side a kick into Spikes waiting stake.

Looking for Tom, Buffy spotted him trying to bite Willow. "Oh no you don't, hey big guy,try some of me."

Tossing Willow aside, Tom smiled ferally at Buffy. "With pleasure slayer. Leave this one to me boys, she's mine."

The two squared off, glaring at each other,waiting for the other to make the first move.

Shrugging his shoulders, Tom smirked, "Alright then, let's do it." That said, he did a 180 turn kick, knocking the crossbow from Buffy's hand.Grabbing his foot as it went past,Buffy threw him back, using his momentum against him."Didn't need it anyway."

Just starting to have fun, Tom flipped back up off the ground." OOhhhh is that how you turned your vampires head, Spike, I believe you called him?"

"Leave Spike out of this. Your charm, or lack of, isn't working. SHe back flipped, kicking him in the head.Stumbling back,Tom smirked,saying,"I guess that means you don't want to be my new quenn,so I'll have to kill you instead of turning you."He then delivered a powerful blow,catching her in the gut. Doubled over, Buffy stayed there, coughing a few times.

Cautiously walking up to Buffy, Tom was going to use this weak moment against her if it wasn't a trick, to close in for the kill. When he was close enough,Buffy brought her head up,catching him in the chin.At almost the same time, she brought her knee up to get him in the groin,only to have Tom grab it, giving it a viscoous crush and twist."I may have fallen for the head butt, but I could see that move coming a mile away."

Buffy, shrieking in pain,brought her fist up and plowed him in the nose causing him to release her knee.

Spike, having heard Buffy's cry of pain, tried to make his way over to her.Quickly staking the vamp he was fighting,he grabbed another one off of Giles and staked it too. Seeing that his friends could handle what was left, he went for Buffy and Tom. When he was less than a foot away, one of Tom's minions jumped him from behind.

Growling in frustration, he staked the vampire and then looked up in time to see Tom knock Buffy to the ground, and jump on top of her.Spike screamed out her name in fear, running for the two. Tom, distracted by Spike's yell, looked over at him for a second, it was all Buffy needed.

Landing another punch to his face, she brought her leg up and used it to flip him off of her. When he was on the ground she jumped on him, whipping her stake out and bringing it down to plunge in his chest.


"Uhhhhhh! oh my!" Tom jerked up off the couch in fright, grabbing his shirt he jerked it off and looked at his chest. "What a dream. Whew, it seemed so real."

Going to the phone, he dialed his publicists number."Hello, Jim? Yeah, I'll do it. I want that part!"