Alex sat back in the limo and sighed. Her parents had decided to stay even longer, and Alex didn't know why. He mother said they had to social, whatever--was all Alex could think. Mr. and Mrs. Carter sat across from her and Nick was sitting next to her. It had only been 5 minutes since they left the benefit, and Alex was asleep. She was leaning on Nick who was asleep as well.
"Our little boy isn't so little anymore is he." Mrs. Carter whispered to her husband as she watched the two sleeping across from her.
Mr. Carter nodded, "She's a sweet girl, I don't know what she sees in him."
Mr. Carter chuckled as his wife gave him a look, "I don't think you ever told me where they met."
Mrs. Carter looked thoughtful, "I don't think Nick ever told me specifically. I know he met her in Orlando."
Mr. and Mrs. Carter continued to speak quietly as not to wake the other two up, but as the limo rolled to a halt Alex began to wake up. She sat up, and then realized where she was. Her movement caused Nick to wake. Alex realized they were at the hotel and began to get out, "I'll walk you up." Nick said trying to wake up.
Alex walked thru the lobby, which was almost dead since the hour was late, she stopped at the elevators and pushed the 'up' button. She leaned against Nick as they waited for an elevator, "I am exhausted."
"Well, you have a night without arguing."
"The twins are staying over at our house, Aaron begged mom until she relented."
"Oh." was all Alex could say. She felt like a zombie. She knew it had to be well after midnight, and all she wanted to do was fall in her bed and go to sleep.
"I asked mom if you could stay over, but she didn't answer me and I don't know why." Nick looked down at Alex with a grin
Alex looked at him, not amused.
The elevator door opened and they got in. Nick pushed the button, "Did you ask about the tour yet?"
"And my parents said I could meet you for the last half, with Jason."
Nick grinned, "It's gonna be so much fun."
"How long's the tour?"
"Umm..I think it's around 3 weeks."
"So, I'll meet you in about 2 and a half weeks."
"Yeah, I think we'll be in London. That will be fun."
Alex looked at him, "You know, I don't think we have the same definition of fun."
Nick glanced at her, "I have no idea what you are talking about."
"I bet you don't."
They stepped off the elevator and walked down the hall towards Alex’s room, "When do you go back home?" Nick asked
"We fly back tomorrow night."
"really? That means I won't see you for almost 3 weeks." Nick said putting his arm around her
"I'm sure you'll survive."
"and what if I don't?"
"Then I'll be sure to come to your funeral."
"Oh thanks a lot."
She grinned at him, "It's the least I could do."
Nick rolled his eyes, "Well, since I won't survive, this will be the last time I see you. So, I will just have to kiss you goodnight."
"I think I could handle that."
Nick leaned down and kissed her, Alex giggled and finally broke the kiss, "You better get back, your parents are waiting."
Nick groaned, "If I must." He started to walk down the hall and Alex unlocked her door. Nick turned around and jogged back, "Alex.."
He kissed her again, "One for the road." he said over his shoulder as he went back to the elevators. Alex smiled and shut the door.
Being on tour with him, she was sure, was going to be very interesting.