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My Dedication to John DeSalvo and Lizzy B!

Photographs by Michel Legrou, M.P.G
Updated 06/08/00

The first time that I ventured into Elizabeth’s John DeSalvo pageLiz's John DeSalvo Page I had no idea who he was. There at the top of the page were a couple of awesome pictures and I knew right then who he was from the romance novels that I had read throughout the years. His long black hair (which I heard he has cut but he still looks great as ever:o), great looking face and wonderful physique have graced the covers of over 1,500 romance novels over the years. That tid- bit of news blew me away! Here was the guy who I looked at first when I picked up a romance novel, the guy who made me believe in the hero in the book even more because he was so “there”, so real that you could almost reach out and touch him :o) I think the fact that he is more than just a pretty face makes me respect him even more. The things I have read about him and how family is one of his top priorities makes me know that he is "the real thing". I will thank you many times John throughout this page but it comes from my heart:o)

During the time I have known Elizabeth and the emails we have exchanged my respect and admiration for John DeSalvo has grown even more. The work he does on the covers has to be painstaking as they put him in all sorts of odd situations and he has to be still and not move and most of the time not even smile. Throughout it all, he seems to pull off each pose for each cover with such style and professionalism. The covers I have grown to love the most are of the books by one of my favorite authors Madeline Baker. I especially like the Apache Flame cover as John is dressed in Indian garb and looks so regal, so proud. As I picked up a copy of it in the bookstore, I felt myself falling in love with the hero of the book from the very start and I feel I owe a big part of that to John.

This is a book that I found on Liz's page and have been wanting to read. John looks great as usual on the cover...

For more great John DeSalvo Book Covers I have made a separate pageFavorite John DeSalvo Book Covers

I have made a page in dedication to Madeline Baker and her Majestic Indian Romance Cover Models Dedication Page in which I feature my gratitude to John and the work that he does. But I also wanted to include a special page just for him in which I feature links to some of the things that I have read that he likes as well as links to the works he has done as a model and an actor.

On this page I would also like to extend a word of thanks to both Liz and John as through you I have been able to continue to enjoy the passion of reading romances that has been a part of my life since I was a little girl. Liz has provided me with friendship as well as guidance in the world of romance novels, recommending new novels on her site, displaying wonderful cover art, etc. John has provided me with an outlet to believing again in heroes as the world runs short of them these days. Not only does he have great looks but from what I hear, tons of talent. What a wonderful combination! I wish him nothing but lots of luck as he climbs higher on the rings of success.

I hope you enjoy your stay here on this page and come back often as I plan to add to it more as the time goes on…. Thanks again Liz and John!


I am so excited because there are new pictures of John on the Fortin and Sanders web site. He, along with several other cover models have done a magnificent job in the modeling for the pictures displayed. It is well worth your time to check it out! By the way, one of the MAIN people on the site is none other than Cherif Fortin who is also a model/artist. He looks amazing as well in the pictures and illustrations that he has done with Lynn Sanders...

Fortin and Sanders Official Web site
Check out a list compiled by my friend Liz on over 400 more of John's covers
Read about John in the Romantic Times
John DeSalvo's Official Web Site
Links to places and things that John and Fans may enjoy
Here are some More great Romance Links
