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In researching John and his career I have found from
the Romantic Times article that he likes the music of
David Sanborn so I thought that I would provide a
list to some web pages that feature the artist and his
Search for David Pages with Way Pages
Post a message about David Sanborn
Some Jazz Links
Smooth Jazz Online
Read Interviews with David Sanborn and More!
The Music of David Sanborn

From what I have read on my friend Liz's Page John is part Italian. So I decided to add a few links to this page for anyone searching for good Italian Food, Wine, etc. There is also one for the French connection.

Looking for something Italian? Wine perhaps?
Looking for some red wine?
Italian Market-Food, Wine, Recipes
In Italy
Eat Italian
French Food, Wine, Hotels and Restaurants

In December of last year, John according to the
article in the Romantic Times was supposedly on One
Life to Live so I thought that I would provide a link
to the shows main page One Life to Live

I will be adding more as time goes by:o)

To Return to the Main Site
