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Dedicated to Steve Sandalis and Tammy Russotto

Thanks SOOOO much to Irmasue Zapor, Steve's Fan Club President for this wonderful picture of Steve! Click on the picture to see a larger version.

Site last updated 07/26/00

These are some of the great Book Covers of Steves as well as great books! Click on the images and you can see a larger picture! You can buy each of these books at Amazon.Com

Check out some more great covers on the separate page I have made below! Also check out the links I have provided to causes that mean a lot to me and I have read that Steve supports some of them as well.

Some Great Book Covers of Steve's Some Links to Explore that Steve and Fans should Enjoy Site in honor of Steve's wife-Katy WILD WILD WEST-Madeline Bakers Site Madeline Baker Fan Page Cassie Edwards Site Romance Links-More Places to see and Things to Explore Information about Steve's Fan Club Interviews with Steve's Fans-Mary Roberta's Steve Sandalis Book Collection A Page in Honor of Steve's Birthday A Great Defenders of Wildlife Site
Send a card to a friend, Help Wildlife and the Environment A Big Brothers and Big Sisters Site Big Brothers-Helping less fortunate kids Race for the Rain Forest Learn more about wolves Lots of great Native American Links A Story Worth Reading More to Come! More to Come! More to Come! More to Come! More to Come!

During my quest for information and pictures of the cover models who grace the covers of the Romance novels that I have loved since I was a young girl, I came across the Steve Sandalis Official Web site Official Steve Sandalis Web site. I was delighted to find so many great pictures, book covers, background information and much, much more on such a great looking and wonderful guy. I owe this special treat to the hard work of Tammy Russotto who is the web mistress of the site and a talented lady at that. Thank you Tammy from the bottom of my heart. You have brought Steve into my life, and helped me learn more about this great guy and have given me one of my favorite web sites. If you get a chance to go to the site there is so much to look at, to read, to enjoy, it will be well worth your visit!

Click here: Where the Red Fern Grows (2000)

From the Official site and some of the articles I have been able to read at Romantic Times Romantic Times Site I have been delighted to find out that not only has Steve graced the covers of over 600 books but has also had many successes in the fielding of acting as well. Personally I cannot wait to see him on the big screen. From the official site I was able to learn that one of his acting projects was the film interpretation of the Book Classic “Where the Red Fern Grows”. Steve, I guess played the part of the coon hunter named Steve as well. The on location shots at the official site Official Site were priceless as I myself have always been fascinated by the movie industry and the things that go on during the various shoots. Living in North Carolina where several movies have been shot in Wilmington has been a big kick for me as I just moved from there and one of my favorite past times is going by Screen Gems Studios and trying to see the various sets that they have as well as finding out who is in town shooting TV movies or films. Call me star struck I guess but I have total respect for the actors and actresses such as Steve who spend up to eighteen hours on the set each day trying to make each shot just right for us patrons of the theaters who don’t really know how pain staking it can be before the finished project is sent to the theaters. I commend you Steve and your fellow actors and actresses, I know it is not easy work to say the least but the finished projects are always wonderful to me.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming- I was told this is one of Steve's favorite places- Isn't it beautiful? :o) For more gorgeous pictures, go herePhotos of Jackson Hole, Wyoming

I have also begun to drive everyone in my office crazy by talking about Steve and the Official Site, his projects, the articles in recent Romantic Times and have even gotten a good friend of mine here to become a fan of his as well. She did not need much persuasion. She ordered one of Steve’s autographed pictures from the official site and has been on cloud nine ever since she received it. So, from my friend and my self, thank you Tammy for having all the great pictures on the site and thank you Steve for taking the time to sign the picture for my friend and the one that I hope to order today :o) You make your fans like us feel so appreciated. That means the world to us.

Well, I will close with another thank you for Steve as well as Tammy. Steve’s books covers and movies will always have a place in my home and the Official site will always have a place in my Favorites file. You both have given me many smiles and many happy days on the computer or settling down to read a book as Steve you really know how to bring the heroes alive:o)


This is a great bookmark I received from the Steve Sandalis mailing list. Thanks so much to the person who sent it. If you click on it, you can see a larger version of it...

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It Pays To Search

This is another cause that means a lot to the me. I hope by my posting this on as many of my pages as I can that maybe, just maybe someone will see a missing child that they recognize and they may be returned to where they belong.
