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"The Gentle Giant of Dogdom"

This Educational Site is lovingly dedicated to the Mastiff

The Education portion of the Mastiff Breeders List is made possible by many Mastiff owners and people interested in conserving the Mastiff breed. We have compiled articles we feel will be of assistance to the new Mastiff puppy buyer, prospective Mastiff buyer, new Mastiff breeder or anyone interested in the Mastiff breed. We have included pictures and artwork we feel will be of interest to all Mastiff enthusiasts.

Table of Contents

Thank you for visiting "The Mastiff" Educational site.

We are always looking for new articles, if you have an article you feel may be of interest,
please submit it to Irene Byrne .

If you are interested in learning more about the Mastiff breed we have just such a mail list
that may be right for you. Contact our sister list English Mastiff Email List and join in on the camaraderie and fun.

DISCLAIMER: This Educational Web Site does not verify, endorse, or otherwise vouch for the contents of any articles included herein. These write-ups are presented in an attempt to help educate the reader. If a valid objection to any article included here is found to have merit, the article will be removed. If you feel you have a valid objection contact Educational Webmistress and your complaint will be considered.

This page and all attached pages are Copyright ©2001-2002 by MastiffBreeders
