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UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! - Episode 20, "Control", is the next story to be "aired." It's in the works right now!!! Also, a new MB will also be added to replace the old one no longer in service. Stay tuned for further announcements.
In the meantime, read Episode 19, "Reprocity" by clicking HERE, or follow the path for Season Three using the links below.
Be warned that Angelfire servers have been throwing bogus "Page not found" errors recently. If this happens, hit the back button and try the link again.

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Site Last Updated: 08/13/01

Disclaimer: Prey, its characters and storylines belong to ABC, and Warner Brothers. The Prey Virtual season is a fan project, no copyright infringement is intended, and no money or profit whatsoever is involved. This site and the original stories on it are copyrighted by the individual authors. Do not copy these stories to other web sites or circulate them unless given express permission by the authors.

Special thanks is given to DianeS, Sabine, Ute, Karen, Anna and Mary Ann for helping us with the video capture files and sound files. Without their help, we wouldn't have such wonderful pictures and sound files to accompany our "aired" episodes this season.