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Unborn Child

You were given to me, made my life complete
I smiled when they told me you were due
Another conception, for me a small feat
A wonderful miracle in the form of you

Whispered words of love I sent, promises I made
But I rejoiced too soon, the love not mine to give
Despite my pleas that you should have stayed
Yours was a life not to live

Miscarried away like your sisters and brothers
Another angel to watch over the earth
But women like me long to be mothers
To carry a child through to birth

I wish that in my arms I could have held you
Maybe kissed you or given you a name
Another dream that was not to come true
More pain but not the same

I’ll miss you now, forever and a day
Knowing you watch me from above
But I have to take this chance to say
I still send you all my love.

When you've finished...

More Poetry (eventually)