Welcome to Skippy's World!
yoo! its me again, dont forget to go to my the new domain, click the link above...
big SiKe here, bringing u an update dont forget to to go to my boy Mysterio'S old lady's new site. so click to link about to go see it, check out the fun times.
well ok then whats up sike fans, hehe whats been up with yall? sorry that i have been slacking. but i have been working a REALLY lot. im a cable modem guy. my job is the shit. well ill will be back with somemore updates sometime soon when i get time.
well i dont have much more to say but the page is komming anong fairly nice. not sure what will kome next but, hopefully it is kool. i know about the 43rd Boyz site too, it doesnt work kuz there isnt one yet. hehe later, SIKE
well, the new layout is the fucking shit right? yeah well, i think it is. there is still more shit to kome. im gunna put up a few more links to diffrent pages. also, if u got any komments to make dont be shy e-mail me. i'm also gunna be putting up some more updates so look for em.
Skippy, A.K.A.,SIKE